Friday, 7 March 2014

This past week has been crazzzzzzzzy.

Like, some serious madness.

Between a quick trip up to LA, TSC book launch ( eek! ), working on an exciting blog collaboration, & getting an annoying-ass cold, I’m pooped.

I found myself returning e-mails at 3:00 am last Monday & realized it was time for a break.

& LA sounded like the perfect lil getaway.

Michael took me to the most charming hotel, Petite Ermitage which has a very European-like feel. And honestly, the upstairs Butterfly Bar menu was so avant-garde. Some of my favorite picks: Maine lobster/arugula salad, medium sized oysters, salmon with sliced avocado & mangos, and fresh pressed juices.Yum, right?

Although I was still bound to my computer, somehow being out of the house was calming & relaxing.

Anyway I look forward to tomorrow’s launch & sincerely hope you all love TSC book!!

x L

18:36 Unknown

This past week has been crazzzzzzzzy.

Like, some serious madness.

Between a quick trip up to LA, TSC book launch ( eek! ), working on an exciting blog collaboration, & getting an annoying-ass cold, I’m pooped.

I found myself returning e-mails at 3:00 am last Monday & realized it was time for a break.

& LA sounded like the perfect lil getaway.

Michael took me to the most charming hotel, Petite Ermitage which has a very European-like feel. And honestly, the upstairs Butterfly Bar menu was so avant-garde. Some of my favorite picks: Maine lobster/arugula salad, medium sized oysters, salmon with sliced avocado & mangos, and fresh pressed juices.Yum, right?

Although I was still bound to my computer, somehow being out of the house was calming & relaxing.

Anyway I look forward to tomorrow’s launch & sincerely hope you all love TSC book!!

x L

Today’s the DAY! Ahhh. So nervous I could puke.

TSC book is fully avail at every major bookstore.

But honestly, I’m seriously, serious. I’ve definitely got the crazy-ass jitters.

And of course, my amazing friends really helped calm my nerves.

I mean…check out their sweet, supportive Instagram’s for TSC book launch!!! They’re seriously amazing x 10. Also, to everyone else: THANK you for your support through social media. It makes me blush like that one bashful Emoji.

So today was spent packing/shipping/mailing books…see?

18:10 Unknown

Today’s the DAY! Ahhh. So nervous I could puke.

TSC book is fully avail at every major bookstore.

But honestly, I’m seriously, serious. I’ve definitely got the crazy-ass jitters.

And of course, my amazing friends really helped calm my nerves.

I mean…check out their sweet, supportive Instagram’s for TSC book launch!!! They’re seriously amazing x 10. Also, to everyone else: THANK you for your support through social media. It makes me blush like that one bashful Emoji.

So today was spent packing/shipping/mailing books…see?

Planet Blue rocks my world.

Between their leopard ( but not too leopard ) pieces and kimonos, they really know the way to my heart.

These outfits were wore on a couple of rainy days in San Diego…& let me just say: rainy days in SD are honestly pathetic.

They’re not really rainy days…

So my outfits are sort of fit for fake-ass, kind of pathetic rainy days.

17:44 Unknown
Planet Blue rocks my world.

Between their leopard ( but not too leopard ) pieces and kimonos, they really know the way to my heart.

These outfits were wore on a couple of rainy days in San Diego…& let me just say: rainy days in SD are honestly pathetic.

They’re not really rainy days…

So my outfits are sort of fit for fake-ass, kind of pathetic rainy days.

Cough, cough, coughity, cough.

They’re out there & they’re loose.

Like, it’s seriously outta control.

I did a chapter in my book called ‘Love Chub.’ Essentially the chapter is all about girls who gain weight when they fall madly in love because their BF/husband eat like crap.


Today I’m talking about another real, serious epidemic I can’t stand: OLDER FAMILY MEMBERS WHO ‘THINK’ THEY KNOW HOW TO EAT.


It’s such a buzzkill because they’re totally ignorant/stubborn/closed minded & living in La-La-Land ( can I get a one-way ticket? Must be nice, ehh? ).

I mean, thick, sickie creamer in your coffee was so 1992. EVOLVING is so important!!! So, so important. Buttttt some family members, man, they’re just unwilling to learn about what’s going on in the clean food world.

So sorry…but GMO’s, non-organic, hormone/antibiotic, chemical pumped bullshit is totally not 2014.

So here’s my advice on an older family member who still eats Wonder Bread & thinks Oreo cereal is “part of a complete breakfast”:

17:18 Unknown
Cough, cough, coughity, cough.

They’re out there & they’re loose.

Like, it’s seriously outta control.

I did a chapter in my book called ‘Love Chub.’ Essentially the chapter is all about girls who gain weight when they fall madly in love because their BF/husband eat like crap.


Today I’m talking about another real, serious epidemic I can’t stand: OLDER FAMILY MEMBERS WHO ‘THINK’ THEY KNOW HOW TO EAT.


It’s such a buzzkill because they’re totally ignorant/stubborn/closed minded & living in La-La-Land ( can I get a one-way ticket? Must be nice, ehh? ).

I mean, thick, sickie creamer in your coffee was so 1992. EVOLVING is so important!!! So, so important. Buttttt some family members, man, they’re just unwilling to learn about what’s going on in the clean food world.

So sorry…but GMO’s, non-organic, hormone/antibiotic, chemical pumped bullshit is totally not 2014.

So here’s my advice on an older family member who still eats Wonder Bread & thinks Oreo cereal is “part of a complete breakfast”:

Wanna get seriously toned? These eight moves will definitely do the trick

If you're a bit wider on the bottom than you are on top, this workout's for you.  It's designed to tone your arms and shoulders—we're talking way more muscle definition—to help you look seriously amazing in a sun dress this spring. 

The best part? No need to hit the gym or mess with fancy machines. All you need is a workout ball, and some sort of bench (and, of course, the desire to get your body into the best shape ever). Your mission: Watch this video, and do each move as directed (be sure to check out how many reps you should do for each). Then, try to resist snapping a Lupita-lookalike selfie.  

Okay, ready? On your mark, get set...get TONED. 

Most used player for workouts, articles, and cover models

The moves:
Lift Off Lunge (10 to 12 reps per leg)
Scissors Jump (10 to 12 reps per leg)
Pushup and Leg Raise (8 to 12 reps)
Hundred on the Ball (10 reps, 100 breaths per rep)
Mermaid (8 to 10 reps)
Boat Curl & Press (8 to 10 reps)
Triangle Lat Raise (10 to 12 reps per side)
Dip & Knee Raise (10 to 12 reps)

For more workouts that will whip you into shape, be sure to scope our collection of strength-building workout videos. We happen to love these, but find the ones that work best for you!  

Tone All Over Circuit Workout: 15 Minutes to Body Fit 

21 Days to Fit and Lean: Three Week Workout Plan 

The 15 Minute Standing Workout for Flat Abs

16:52 Unknown
Wanna get seriously toned? These eight moves will definitely do the trick

If you're a bit wider on the bottom than you are on top, this workout's for you.  It's designed to tone your arms and shoulders—we're talking way more muscle definition—to help you look seriously amazing in a sun dress this spring. 

The best part? No need to hit the gym or mess with fancy machines. All you need is a workout ball, and some sort of bench (and, of course, the desire to get your body into the best shape ever). Your mission: Watch this video, and do each move as directed (be sure to check out how many reps you should do for each). Then, try to resist snapping a Lupita-lookalike selfie.  

Okay, ready? On your mark, get set...get TONED. 

Most used player for workouts, articles, and cover models

The moves:
Lift Off Lunge (10 to 12 reps per leg)
Scissors Jump (10 to 12 reps per leg)
Pushup and Leg Raise (8 to 12 reps)
Hundred on the Ball (10 reps, 100 breaths per rep)
Mermaid (8 to 10 reps)
Boat Curl & Press (8 to 10 reps)
Triangle Lat Raise (10 to 12 reps per side)
Dip & Knee Raise (10 to 12 reps)

For more workouts that will whip you into shape, be sure to scope our collection of strength-building workout videos. We happen to love these, but find the ones that work best for you!  

Tone All Over Circuit Workout: 15 Minutes to Body Fit 

21 Days to Fit and Lean: Three Week Workout Plan 

The 15 Minute Standing Workout for Flat Abs

We guarantee you'll be thinking about this on your next date

Forget a mutual love of How I Met Your Mother or your eerily similar workout playlists; new research suggests that there's a better way to determine if you're soul mates, and it has to do with the way you speak. People who use the same function words—like pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and quantifiers—are more likely to couple up and stay together, according to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science.

Researchers at Texas Tech University had a hunch that speech was related to romance (dirty talk aside), so they conducted two studies on language style matching (LSM). LSM measures how much two people in a conversation subtly match each other's speaking or writing style, focusing on words like "I," "she," "those," "in," "about," "tons," "never," "very," "quite," "while," "because," and "can," among others. And even though we hardly ever realize we're saying words like these, researchers say they reveal a lot about our personalities. 

For the first study, the researchers analyzed speed dates between 40 men and 40 women. Surprisingly, the people who used similar function words were more likely to report being into each other at the end of the date. In the second study, researchers analyzed instant message conversations between 86 couples, looking again at language patterns. They asked about relationship satisfaction on the first day, then checked in three months later to see if the couple had lasted. And get this: Couples who used more similar function words were about twice as likely to be together three months later.

MORE: The 3 Traits That Tell You the Most About a Potential Love Interest 

Shockingly, LSM was a better predictor of romantic interest and relationship stability than self-reports. Even if someone thought they meshed with a date or were convinced they'd stick with their partner forever, the LSM knew better. 

MORE: 13 Things You Learn About Dating By the Time You're 30 

Obviously, this doesn't mean that you should start changing up your lingo during your next OkCupid date—you would probably sound ridiculous. (What are you going to do, keep saying "quite" for the rest of your life when you never used to?) But the researchers suggest we might already be subconsciously changing our speaking patterns to match someone else's when we're really engaged in the conversation, which could explain why it's so darn good at predicting a bond. Sure, it's a weird way to see if you might be a match—but it's definitely something to look out for on your next date. 

MORE: The Dating Behavior That 95 Percent of People Say Is a Major Turn-off  

16:26 Unknown
We guarantee you'll be thinking about this on your next date

Forget a mutual love of How I Met Your Mother or your eerily similar workout playlists; new research suggests that there's a better way to determine if you're soul mates, and it has to do with the way you speak. People who use the same function words—like pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and quantifiers—are more likely to couple up and stay together, according to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science.

Researchers at Texas Tech University had a hunch that speech was related to romance (dirty talk aside), so they conducted two studies on language style matching (LSM). LSM measures how much two people in a conversation subtly match each other's speaking or writing style, focusing on words like "I," "she," "those," "in," "about," "tons," "never," "very," "quite," "while," "because," and "can," among others. And even though we hardly ever realize we're saying words like these, researchers say they reveal a lot about our personalities. 

For the first study, the researchers analyzed speed dates between 40 men and 40 women. Surprisingly, the people who used similar function words were more likely to report being into each other at the end of the date. In the second study, researchers analyzed instant message conversations between 86 couples, looking again at language patterns. They asked about relationship satisfaction on the first day, then checked in three months later to see if the couple had lasted. And get this: Couples who used more similar function words were about twice as likely to be together three months later.

MORE: The 3 Traits That Tell You the Most About a Potential Love Interest 

Shockingly, LSM was a better predictor of romantic interest and relationship stability than self-reports. Even if someone thought they meshed with a date or were convinced they'd stick with their partner forever, the LSM knew better. 

MORE: 13 Things You Learn About Dating By the Time You're 30 

Obviously, this doesn't mean that you should start changing up your lingo during your next OkCupid date—you would probably sound ridiculous. (What are you going to do, keep saying "quite" for the rest of your life when you never used to?) But the researchers suggest we might already be subconsciously changing our speaking patterns to match someone else's when we're really engaged in the conversation, which could explain why it's so darn good at predicting a bond. Sure, it's a weird way to see if you might be a match—but it's definitely something to look out for on your next date. 

MORE: The Dating Behavior That 95 Percent of People Say Is a Major Turn-off  

Nope, it doesn't involve dancing

OK, this woman knows how to get it done. First, she establishes herself as an amazing backup dancer and pretty much kills it in the career department. Then, she goes and marries, oh, you know, Channing Tatum. And now? She figures out an easy-breezy way to stay in shape without stressing.

"When I'm rocking baby Everly to sleep, I do lunges across the nursery—or squats, or calf raises," she recently told Us Weekly. "Suddenly, 45 minutes have gone by, she's asleep, and I got a little workout!"

So smart! Want more #ExerciseEveryday inspiration? Check out these easy ways to be more active around the clock: 

7 Ways to Sneak More Health and Fitness into Your Weekly Routine

"How Can I Turn Exercise Into a Permanent Habit?"

The App Designed To Help You Move More at Work

16:00 Unknown
Nope, it doesn't involve dancing

OK, this woman knows how to get it done. First, she establishes herself as an amazing backup dancer and pretty much kills it in the career department. Then, she goes and marries, oh, you know, Channing Tatum. And now? She figures out an easy-breezy way to stay in shape without stressing.

"When I'm rocking baby Everly to sleep, I do lunges across the nursery—or squats, or calf raises," she recently told Us Weekly. "Suddenly, 45 minutes have gone by, she's asleep, and I got a little workout!"

So smart! Want more #ExerciseEveryday inspiration? Check out these easy ways to be more active around the clock: 

7 Ways to Sneak More Health and Fitness into Your Weekly Routine

"How Can I Turn Exercise Into a Permanent Habit?"

The App Designed To Help You Move More at Work

You might like these more than kale chips

Kale is having a moment—and for good reason: The crazy-versatile green is an awesome source of vitamins A, C, and K. What’s more, it’s loaded with fiber and iron, and (no, we’re not done) it’s super-low in calories, too. 

You can use it to make chips, salads, sides , desserts, and—a current favorite—smoothies. Read on for the tastiest-looking kale smoothie recipes we saw on Instagram this week:

This smoothie contains 2 cups kale, half a pineapple, 1 cup coconut water, and a garnish of coconut flakes and goji berries. And for the record, we’re loving that pineapple bowl serving idea.

Banana helps cut the bitter taste of kale. Combine 1 small one with 1/2 cup frozen kale, 1/2 cup nonfat Greek yogurt, 1/4 cup skim milk, 2 tablespoons unsweetened apple sauce, 1 1/2 tablespoons chia seeds, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, and 1 cup crushed ice.

If green drinks creep you out, give this recipe a whirl. Fresh raspberries and strawberries help disguise the kale and produce a pretty pink smoothie. Add pineapple, banana, a splash of milk, Greek yogurt, and protein powder to try it.

Kale, avocado, pineapple, and ginger make this recipe unique. Top it with hemp seeds for an Insta-worthy crunch.

The coolest ingredient in this icy smoothie (besides kale)? Frozen cucumber. To try the recipe, combine 2-3 cups spinach and kale, 1 frozen banana, 1 frozen cucumber, 1 frozen lemon, 1 tablespoon almond butter, 1 scoop vanilla protein, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, and water.

Are you into making smoothies? Tag @WomensHealthMag in your #CinnamonSmoothie Instagram photos for the chance to appear on our site! Check back next Wednesday to see whether your recipe made the cut.

More from Women’s Health:
The Most Delicious Way to Eat Kale
Kale Salad with Cornbread Croutons
4 Amazing Avocado Smoothie Recipes to Try

15:34 Unknown
You might like these more than kale chips

Kale is having a moment—and for good reason: The crazy-versatile green is an awesome source of vitamins A, C, and K. What’s more, it’s loaded with fiber and iron, and (no, we’re not done) it’s super-low in calories, too. 

You can use it to make chips, salads, sides , desserts, and—a current favorite—smoothies. Read on for the tastiest-looking kale smoothie recipes we saw on Instagram this week:

This smoothie contains 2 cups kale, half a pineapple, 1 cup coconut water, and a garnish of coconut flakes and goji berries. And for the record, we’re loving that pineapple bowl serving idea.

Banana helps cut the bitter taste of kale. Combine 1 small one with 1/2 cup frozen kale, 1/2 cup nonfat Greek yogurt, 1/4 cup skim milk, 2 tablespoons unsweetened apple sauce, 1 1/2 tablespoons chia seeds, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, and 1 cup crushed ice.

If green drinks creep you out, give this recipe a whirl. Fresh raspberries and strawberries help disguise the kale and produce a pretty pink smoothie. Add pineapple, banana, a splash of milk, Greek yogurt, and protein powder to try it.

Kale, avocado, pineapple, and ginger make this recipe unique. Top it with hemp seeds for an Insta-worthy crunch.

The coolest ingredient in this icy smoothie (besides kale)? Frozen cucumber. To try the recipe, combine 2-3 cups spinach and kale, 1 frozen banana, 1 frozen cucumber, 1 frozen lemon, 1 tablespoon almond butter, 1 scoop vanilla protein, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, and water.

Are you into making smoothies? Tag @WomensHealthMag in your #CinnamonSmoothie Instagram photos for the chance to appear on our site! Check back next Wednesday to see whether your recipe made the cut.

More from Women’s Health:
The Most Delicious Way to Eat Kale
Kale Salad with Cornbread Croutons
4 Amazing Avocado Smoothie Recipes to Try

Find new fitness classes, book your spot, and share your schedule with friends—all with one app!

Calling all gym class heroes! Want to sample all the fitness classes your city has to offer without committing to a gym membership? There's an app for that, and it’s called BurnThis.

Here's how the free app works: First, you select your fitness personality (are you more of a "Pumped on Pilates" kind of girl or a "Bootcamper"?). Then, BurnThis uses your current location to show you the schedules and prices for all the boutique classes in your area that might be a good fit for you. Pick a class, type in your credit card info, and you're all set to sweat.

Right now, you can use the app to search for classes in several major cities, including New York, Boston, Los Angeles, and Austin. Don't live in one of the areas BurnThis serves? It could be a useful tool for staying fit while you travel—use it to find a great workout when you're passing through an unfamiliar city on business or spending a weekend visiting girlfriends. 

BurnThis isn't just a workout reservation system, though; it's actually its own social network, where you can follow friends and keep them posted on your latest workouts. And that's great because sharing your workouts keeps you more accountable—and research has shown that people who log their workouts more frequently tend to lose more weight. Download it today from iTunes.

Heading to SXSW? Women's Health is partnering with BurnThis and the new cycling studio Cyc for a super-fun and super-sweaty free class on March 8. Download BurnThis, and select the "SXSW 2014" event to find class times and sign up. Get ready to #partyonabike!  

Not going to SXSW? You can still WIN an amazing prize pack from Women's Health, Cyc, and BurnThis. Get more details here.


15:08 Unknown
Find new fitness classes, book your spot, and share your schedule with friends—all with one app!

Calling all gym class heroes! Want to sample all the fitness classes your city has to offer without committing to a gym membership? There's an app for that, and it’s called BurnThis.

Here's how the free app works: First, you select your fitness personality (are you more of a "Pumped on Pilates" kind of girl or a "Bootcamper"?). Then, BurnThis uses your current location to show you the schedules and prices for all the boutique classes in your area that might be a good fit for you. Pick a class, type in your credit card info, and you're all set to sweat.

Right now, you can use the app to search for classes in several major cities, including New York, Boston, Los Angeles, and Austin. Don't live in one of the areas BurnThis serves? It could be a useful tool for staying fit while you travel—use it to find a great workout when you're passing through an unfamiliar city on business or spending a weekend visiting girlfriends. 

BurnThis isn't just a workout reservation system, though; it's actually its own social network, where you can follow friends and keep them posted on your latest workouts. And that's great because sharing your workouts keeps you more accountable—and research has shown that people who log their workouts more frequently tend to lose more weight. Download it today from iTunes.

Heading to SXSW? Women's Health is partnering with BurnThis and the new cycling studio Cyc for a super-fun and super-sweaty free class on March 8. Download BurnThis, and select the "SXSW 2014" event to find class times and sign up. Get ready to #partyonabike!  

Not going to SXSW? You can still WIN an amazing prize pack from Women's Health, Cyc, and BurnThis. Get more details here.


Get the max from your gym time—without adding more reps or more minutes

You're all about multitasking when it comes to your job, your to-do list, and even your free time (seriously, who just watches TV these days?). So why shouldn't your workout—and your body—benefit from the same smart shortcuts? Make these five moves a part of your routine to guarantee that you're getting the most from your workout.  

—Amy Roberts, NASM-CPT

So much of what we do and how we move involves the muscles on the front of the body—the chest, abs, biceps, etc. But pulling exercises like rows strengthen your back to improve posture and balance out the body. Plus, you'll look that much sexier in halter dresses. The bent-over row uses dumbbells and gravity to target the back. Keep your hips hinged without letting your shoulders hunch, and pull your elbows back, keeping them close to your sides. Add in some extra core work by alternating your arms, but still keeping your torso square (no twisting). New to this? Do a quick check to see if you're lifting enough.

Yes, I know you've been told time and again how great planks are for you. But do you know why? For the strongest midsection (read: flat abs and tight waist), you want to train your core to resist flexing and twisting. The ab and back muscles are all that support the lower spine between your pelvis and your rib cage, so your goal should be to make them as firm as possible. Anti-flexion and anti-rotation exercises like planks challenge all-around core stability, without the back strain that crunches and sit-ups can cause. Now that's a major pro. Already mastered this move? Find out seven ways to make planks even harder

MORE: Trainer Confessions: 5 Goals You Should Be Making (But Probably Aren't) 

Loaded Squats
Research continues to show the amazing benefits of lifting weights: It's the go-to way to build muscles, strengthen your bones, and even speed up your metabolism. In fact, because the glute and leg muscles are the largest in the body, adding bulk to your squat is a big way to boost calorie burn. (And no, you won't add bulk to your thighs—quite the opposite, in fact.) The simplest way is to use dumbbells, held in your hands with straight arms by your sides as you squat. Start with 10 pounds per hand, and increase once you can perform 12 reps with ease. 

Reverse Wood Chops  
To get the biggest metabolic boost, you should aim to move more muscles at once. This also let’s you work out in a way that's more functional (meaning how your body naturally moves every day) than you would by doing isolation exercises like bicep curls. That's why I love reverse wood chops, where you lift a medicine ball, dumbbell, or cable handle from in front of one hip to above the opposite shoulder. You're mimicking the movement of lifting something from the ground to a high shelf while taxing the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and core. Consider it a must-have for your workout rotation—even if you never actually split logs.

Side Step Ups 
So many of our daily movements go from front-to-back—walking, running, climbing stairs—that we sometimes forget we also need to train our bodies sideways. Working your inner and outer thighs, obliques, and side glutes will round out your strength. Plus, you'll work those crucial muscles for stability on your feet. Translation: You'll improve your balance, be more toned, prevent injury, and even run better. Side step ups get you moving in the right direction, with the added aerobic component for a metabolic boost. When doing this move, keep your shoulders square and your step light, especially on the landing. 

MORE: Trainer Confessions: 5 Exercises That Don't Do What You Think They Do 

14:42 Unknown
Get the max from your gym time—without adding more reps or more minutes

You're all about multitasking when it comes to your job, your to-do list, and even your free time (seriously, who just watches TV these days?). So why shouldn't your workout—and your body—benefit from the same smart shortcuts? Make these five moves a part of your routine to guarantee that you're getting the most from your workout.  

—Amy Roberts, NASM-CPT

So much of what we do and how we move involves the muscles on the front of the body—the chest, abs, biceps, etc. But pulling exercises like rows strengthen your back to improve posture and balance out the body. Plus, you'll look that much sexier in halter dresses. The bent-over row uses dumbbells and gravity to target the back. Keep your hips hinged without letting your shoulders hunch, and pull your elbows back, keeping them close to your sides. Add in some extra core work by alternating your arms, but still keeping your torso square (no twisting). New to this? Do a quick check to see if you're lifting enough.

Yes, I know you've been told time and again how great planks are for you. But do you know why? For the strongest midsection (read: flat abs and tight waist), you want to train your core to resist flexing and twisting. The ab and back muscles are all that support the lower spine between your pelvis and your rib cage, so your goal should be to make them as firm as possible. Anti-flexion and anti-rotation exercises like planks challenge all-around core stability, without the back strain that crunches and sit-ups can cause. Now that's a major pro. Already mastered this move? Find out seven ways to make planks even harder

MORE: Trainer Confessions: 5 Goals You Should Be Making (But Probably Aren't) 

Loaded Squats
Research continues to show the amazing benefits of lifting weights: It's the go-to way to build muscles, strengthen your bones, and even speed up your metabolism. In fact, because the glute and leg muscles are the largest in the body, adding bulk to your squat is a big way to boost calorie burn. (And no, you won't add bulk to your thighs—quite the opposite, in fact.) The simplest way is to use dumbbells, held in your hands with straight arms by your sides as you squat. Start with 10 pounds per hand, and increase once you can perform 12 reps with ease. 

Reverse Wood Chops  
To get the biggest metabolic boost, you should aim to move more muscles at once. This also let’s you work out in a way that's more functional (meaning how your body naturally moves every day) than you would by doing isolation exercises like bicep curls. That's why I love reverse wood chops, where you lift a medicine ball, dumbbell, or cable handle from in front of one hip to above the opposite shoulder. You're mimicking the movement of lifting something from the ground to a high shelf while taxing the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and core. Consider it a must-have for your workout rotation—even if you never actually split logs.

Side Step Ups 
So many of our daily movements go from front-to-back—walking, running, climbing stairs—that we sometimes forget we also need to train our bodies sideways. Working your inner and outer thighs, obliques, and side glutes will round out your strength. Plus, you'll work those crucial muscles for stability on your feet. Translation: You'll improve your balance, be more toned, prevent injury, and even run better. Side step ups get you moving in the right direction, with the added aerobic component for a metabolic boost. When doing this move, keep your shoulders square and your step light, especially on the landing. 

MORE: Trainer Confessions: 5 Exercises That Don't Do What You Think They Do 

Read this before you toss your pills

Feeling less frisky lately? While many factors could contribute to a less-than-stellar sex drive, new research suggests that your birth control method could be to blame. Compared with women using non-hormonal contraception (like condoms), women taking hormonal birth control (like the Pill or the ring) experience lower sex drive and more discomfort during sex, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Researchers at Princeton and several other universities used an online survey to collect data on 1,101 women under age 51. Half of the women were using both hormonal and non-hormonal contraception (like the Pill and condoms), while half of them were using only the latter. Unfortunately, women using hormonal contraception reported less frequent sexual activity, arousal, pleasure, and orgasm in the previous month; plus, they had more difficulties with pain and dryness.

MORE: Does the Pill Really Cause Depression?

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should toss all your birth control pills and opt for a condoms-only policy. Not all women taking the Pill have side effects like these. In fact, knowing you can’t get pregnant (thanks to trusty hormonal contraceptives) can be one of the biggest libido boosters, explains Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale University School of Medicine. For instance, if you’re nervous about getting pregnant and you don’t trust the love glove alone, you’re probably going to be less excited about having sex—and less likely to enjoy it fully when you do.

As for why the hormones might be a bit of a mood-killer, Minkin says there is no definitive answer. “Nobody knows what the agent of libido is,” she says, but testosterone likely plays a role. Birth control pills essentially shut down the ovaries for the time being, explains Minkin, but since ovaries produce testosterone (and testosterone is linked to desire, sex drive, and lubrication), this could be the cause of a sexual slump.

MORE: 7 Foods That Boost Your Libido

But it’s important to note that this study found there was no difference in sexual satisfaction between users of hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives. Plus, women in the first group were just as likely to initiate sex as women in the second group. The bottom line: Birth control may dampen desire for some women, but it doesn’t seem to have a huge effect on your overall sex life.  

That said, if you’re really having a hard time lighting your fire—or keeping it lit long enough—Minkin suggests talking to your healthcare provider about possibly switching to another pill, perhaps one with levonorgestrel in it (a form of progestin that acts a bit like testosterone). When you talk to your doctor, keep in mind that birth control is only one of many medications that could impact your libido (for instance, some antidepressants may impact sex drive) and there could be a host of other reasons why you don’t want to have sex. In the meantime, try these 14 sexy tricks to boost your libido.

MORE: 10 Birth Control Myths—Debunked! 


14:16 Unknown
Read this before you toss your pills

Feeling less frisky lately? While many factors could contribute to a less-than-stellar sex drive, new research suggests that your birth control method could be to blame. Compared with women using non-hormonal contraception (like condoms), women taking hormonal birth control (like the Pill or the ring) experience lower sex drive and more discomfort during sex, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Researchers at Princeton and several other universities used an online survey to collect data on 1,101 women under age 51. Half of the women were using both hormonal and non-hormonal contraception (like the Pill and condoms), while half of them were using only the latter. Unfortunately, women using hormonal contraception reported less frequent sexual activity, arousal, pleasure, and orgasm in the previous month; plus, they had more difficulties with pain and dryness.

MORE: Does the Pill Really Cause Depression?

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should toss all your birth control pills and opt for a condoms-only policy. Not all women taking the Pill have side effects like these. In fact, knowing you can’t get pregnant (thanks to trusty hormonal contraceptives) can be one of the biggest libido boosters, explains Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale University School of Medicine. For instance, if you’re nervous about getting pregnant and you don’t trust the love glove alone, you’re probably going to be less excited about having sex—and less likely to enjoy it fully when you do.

As for why the hormones might be a bit of a mood-killer, Minkin says there is no definitive answer. “Nobody knows what the agent of libido is,” she says, but testosterone likely plays a role. Birth control pills essentially shut down the ovaries for the time being, explains Minkin, but since ovaries produce testosterone (and testosterone is linked to desire, sex drive, and lubrication), this could be the cause of a sexual slump.

MORE: 7 Foods That Boost Your Libido

But it’s important to note that this study found there was no difference in sexual satisfaction between users of hormonal and non-hormonal contraceptives. Plus, women in the first group were just as likely to initiate sex as women in the second group. The bottom line: Birth control may dampen desire for some women, but it doesn’t seem to have a huge effect on your overall sex life.  

That said, if you’re really having a hard time lighting your fire—or keeping it lit long enough—Minkin suggests talking to your healthcare provider about possibly switching to another pill, perhaps one with levonorgestrel in it (a form of progestin that acts a bit like testosterone). When you talk to your doctor, keep in mind that birth control is only one of many medications that could impact your libido (for instance, some antidepressants may impact sex drive) and there could be a host of other reasons why you don’t want to have sex. In the meantime, try these 14 sexy tricks to boost your libido.

MORE: 10 Birth Control Myths—Debunked! 


We love orgasms too, but this might be a little much

Well, this sounds terrifying: A new procedure called the O-Shot is a vaginal injection that promises to regenerate healthy vaginal tissue for stronger orgasms. Oh yeah, and an opportunity to get the procedure was included in all the swag bags at the Oscars this year, according to Us Weekly.

So how does it work? First, physicians take a person's own blood and separate out the platelets (which are used in clotting) to create a platelet-rich plasma (PRP), according to the shot's website. Then, the doctors inject the plasma back into the patient in two spots: the upper vagina and directly under the clitoris. Um, ouch? The area is numbed with a local anesthetic for the procedure, but still.

This same procedure can be done on your face (known as the "vampire facial," which Kim Kardashian reportedly tried last year) or in other body parts to stimulate tissue growth. "Platelets are used in all different areas of medicine, but there are no real studies on the O-Shot in particular to see if it's effective," says Madeleine Castellanos, M.D., founder of Essentially, there's been a lot of research on using this procedure to grow healthy tissue, but we don't really know if that translates to stronger orgasms—not to mention if there are any long-term side effects. "They have self-testimony from a few women who have gotten it, but how much of that is psychological and how much is the actual physical effect?" says Castellanos.

MORE: 8 Reasons Guys Love it When You Orgasm

Plus, the O-Shot costs about $1,500 and isn't covered by insurance—so unless you got an Oscars swag bag, that's one expensive libido booster! Don't worry, though—there are definitely other ways to have bigger, better orgasms. Here are a few options that have nothing to do with putting a needle in your vagina:  

Aside from being turned on and with a great partner, strong pelvic floor muscles are what give you powerful orgasms, says Castellanos. The easiest place to start is by doing Kegels regularly to strengthen them. To know if you're doing it right, Castellanos says you should feel not just a tightening but also a pulling up of the pelvic floor when you’re squeezing. For most women, she suggests doing three sets of 10 repetitions (with a minute rest in between) every day. If you're having regular sex and just want to maintain your pelvic floor muscles, performing this three times a week should do the trick. 

MORE: The Secret to Better Orgasms: The C-Spot?

Below-the-Belt Weights
Let's be real, sometimes it takes fun workout equipment to get us to stick with a fitness routine. If that's true for you, you might want to give tiny weights a try. When you insert weighted beads (like these from OhMiBod), you can squeeze your pelvic floor to lift them up. If you think about Kegels as if they were body-weight exercises, this is like upping the challenge by adding some dumbbells.

Adding some slickness down there can do wonders for your orgasm. In fact, one study found that nearly 50 percent of people who have used lube said it makes it easier to cross the finish line. "Lubrication naturally drops off with age as well as in long-term relationships," says Castellanos. "We often don't lubricate as much after a long period of time because our partners are more familiar." Don't worry, it has nothing to do with your desire to have sex or your attraction to your partner—you may just need a little help to get things going. And not only can lube make sex feel better, but it also mentally reinforces that you're aroused, says Castellanos. Win win. Check out our tips for making sex even better with lubes

Still having trouble seeing fireworks? Try these nine positions that practically promise an orgasm!

MORE: The Better-Sex Workout

13:50 Unknown
We love orgasms too, but this might be a little much

Well, this sounds terrifying: A new procedure called the O-Shot is a vaginal injection that promises to regenerate healthy vaginal tissue for stronger orgasms. Oh yeah, and an opportunity to get the procedure was included in all the swag bags at the Oscars this year, according to Us Weekly.

So how does it work? First, physicians take a person's own blood and separate out the platelets (which are used in clotting) to create a platelet-rich plasma (PRP), according to the shot's website. Then, the doctors inject the plasma back into the patient in two spots: the upper vagina and directly under the clitoris. Um, ouch? The area is numbed with a local anesthetic for the procedure, but still.

This same procedure can be done on your face (known as the "vampire facial," which Kim Kardashian reportedly tried last year) or in other body parts to stimulate tissue growth. "Platelets are used in all different areas of medicine, but there are no real studies on the O-Shot in particular to see if it's effective," says Madeleine Castellanos, M.D., founder of Essentially, there's been a lot of research on using this procedure to grow healthy tissue, but we don't really know if that translates to stronger orgasms—not to mention if there are any long-term side effects. "They have self-testimony from a few women who have gotten it, but how much of that is psychological and how much is the actual physical effect?" says Castellanos.

MORE: 8 Reasons Guys Love it When You Orgasm

Plus, the O-Shot costs about $1,500 and isn't covered by insurance—so unless you got an Oscars swag bag, that's one expensive libido booster! Don't worry, though—there are definitely other ways to have bigger, better orgasms. Here are a few options that have nothing to do with putting a needle in your vagina:  

Aside from being turned on and with a great partner, strong pelvic floor muscles are what give you powerful orgasms, says Castellanos. The easiest place to start is by doing Kegels regularly to strengthen them. To know if you're doing it right, Castellanos says you should feel not just a tightening but also a pulling up of the pelvic floor when you’re squeezing. For most women, she suggests doing three sets of 10 repetitions (with a minute rest in between) every day. If you're having regular sex and just want to maintain your pelvic floor muscles, performing this three times a week should do the trick. 

MORE: The Secret to Better Orgasms: The C-Spot?

Below-the-Belt Weights
Let's be real, sometimes it takes fun workout equipment to get us to stick with a fitness routine. If that's true for you, you might want to give tiny weights a try. When you insert weighted beads (like these from OhMiBod), you can squeeze your pelvic floor to lift them up. If you think about Kegels as if they were body-weight exercises, this is like upping the challenge by adding some dumbbells.

Adding some slickness down there can do wonders for your orgasm. In fact, one study found that nearly 50 percent of people who have used lube said it makes it easier to cross the finish line. "Lubrication naturally drops off with age as well as in long-term relationships," says Castellanos. "We often don't lubricate as much after a long period of time because our partners are more familiar." Don't worry, it has nothing to do with your desire to have sex or your attraction to your partner—you may just need a little help to get things going. And not only can lube make sex feel better, but it also mentally reinforces that you're aroused, says Castellanos. Win win. Check out our tips for making sex even better with lubes

Still having trouble seeing fireworks? Try these nine positions that practically promise an orgasm!

MORE: The Better-Sex Workout

You'll want to load up on the citrus after you read this

By Aly Walansky for Daily Makeover

You might love lemonade and lemon chicken, but your skin and hair love lemons even more—they have an amazing range of beauty benefits. Here are some great uses for the sunny yellow fruit:

Clarifying moisturizer: Mix a few drops of coconut water with a few drops of lemon juice. The coconut will hydrate your skin, and lemon will clear and brighten it.

Elbow and knee bleacher: "If your elbows and knees appear dark, simply rub them with half of a lemon," says Patrice Coleman, owner of DaBlot Beauty. "It's like magic!"

Blackhead treatment: It may sound too good to be true, but because lemons are antibacterial, they can help treat acne. Just slice a lemon, and squeeze the juice on your face. Your blackheads will start to fade before you know it.

Cleansing wipes: "I like to mix a couple drops of lemon and tea tree essential oil in about 6 ounces of distilled water. I recommend it as a toner or for use with cotton pads as a cleansing wipe for problematic skin," says Becky Sturm, founder of StormSister Spatique.

Teeth whitener: Mix baking soda and lemon juice, and apply it to your teeth with a clean Q-tip. Then, use your toothbrush to scrub your teeth and rinse. It's way cheaper than going to your dentist's office.

Canker sore treatment: Sturn also uses a few drops of the lemon essential oil on her canker sores to help them heal faster.

Skin brightener: Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, so they can help brighten and lighten your skin when used over time. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals and boosting collagen production, says Marina Peredo, M.D., a dermatologist. That means it can help lighten age spots, dark spots, or a fake tan gone wrong. Remember to wear SPF when using lemon juice on your skin, though, since the citrus fruit can make your skin more sensitive to UV rays.

Shine eliminator: Lemon is great for reducing excess oil.

Lip exfoliator: Put a little lemon juice on your lips before bedtime, and wash it off in the morning to help remove dead skin cells and dried skin. One caveat: "Obviously, if you already have severely chapped lips that have any cuts, do not try this," says Gary Goldfaden, M.D., a dermatologist.

Nail strengthener: Have you been getting too many gel manicures? Make a mixture of your favorite cooking oil (try olive oil) with lemon juice, and soak your nails. This is a good practice if your nails are dry and brittle, but it's also a great way to help fix nails that have yellowed.

Hair Lightener: Score dye-free DIY highlights with lemon juice. Apply it before you expose your hair to sunlight to score a sun-kissed color. The lemon juice can also help treat a dry scalp and dandruff, so apply it liberally.

More from Daily Makeover:
6 Ingredients You Should Never (Ever!) Put on Your Face
Do Hair Vitamins Really Work?
Top 10 Long Hairstyles

13:24 Unknown
You'll want to load up on the citrus after you read this

By Aly Walansky for Daily Makeover

You might love lemonade and lemon chicken, but your skin and hair love lemons even more—they have an amazing range of beauty benefits. Here are some great uses for the sunny yellow fruit:

Clarifying moisturizer: Mix a few drops of coconut water with a few drops of lemon juice. The coconut will hydrate your skin, and lemon will clear and brighten it.

Elbow and knee bleacher: "If your elbows and knees appear dark, simply rub them with half of a lemon," says Patrice Coleman, owner of DaBlot Beauty. "It's like magic!"

Blackhead treatment: It may sound too good to be true, but because lemons are antibacterial, they can help treat acne. Just slice a lemon, and squeeze the juice on your face. Your blackheads will start to fade before you know it.

Cleansing wipes: "I like to mix a couple drops of lemon and tea tree essential oil in about 6 ounces of distilled water. I recommend it as a toner or for use with cotton pads as a cleansing wipe for problematic skin," says Becky Sturm, founder of StormSister Spatique.

Teeth whitener: Mix baking soda and lemon juice, and apply it to your teeth with a clean Q-tip. Then, use your toothbrush to scrub your teeth and rinse. It's way cheaper than going to your dentist's office.

Canker sore treatment: Sturn also uses a few drops of the lemon essential oil on her canker sores to help them heal faster.

Skin brightener: Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, so they can help brighten and lighten your skin when used over time. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals and boosting collagen production, says Marina Peredo, M.D., a dermatologist. That means it can help lighten age spots, dark spots, or a fake tan gone wrong. Remember to wear SPF when using lemon juice on your skin, though, since the citrus fruit can make your skin more sensitive to UV rays.

Shine eliminator: Lemon is great for reducing excess oil.

Lip exfoliator: Put a little lemon juice on your lips before bedtime, and wash it off in the morning to help remove dead skin cells and dried skin. One caveat: "Obviously, if you already have severely chapped lips that have any cuts, do not try this," says Gary Goldfaden, M.D., a dermatologist.

Nail strengthener: Have you been getting too many gel manicures? Make a mixture of your favorite cooking oil (try olive oil) with lemon juice, and soak your nails. This is a good practice if your nails are dry and brittle, but it's also a great way to help fix nails that have yellowed.

Hair Lightener: Score dye-free DIY highlights with lemon juice. Apply it before you expose your hair to sunlight to score a sun-kissed color. The lemon juice can also help treat a dry scalp and dandruff, so apply it liberally.

More from Daily Makeover:
6 Ingredients You Should Never (Ever!) Put on Your Face
Do Hair Vitamins Really Work?
Top 10 Long Hairstyles

The actress speaks out about the decision to remove her healthy breasts

Last May, Angelina Jolie spoke about one of her bravest moves yet: getting a preventative double mastectomy. In an op-ed for the New York Times, Jolie explained that she decided to have the surgery after finding out she carried the BRCA1 genetic mutation, putting her personally at an 87 percent risk for breast cancer and a 50 percent risk for ovarian cancer.

MORE: Study Says Women with BRCA1 Genetic Mutation Should Remove Ovaries By 35

Now gearing up for her new role in Maleficent, Jolie seems to be feeling stronger than ever about her decision. Check out what she said in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly:

"I'm great! I'm very happy I made the decision. I was very fortunate to have great doctors and very, very fortunate to have a good recovery and have a project like Unbroken to have something to be really focused on, to be getting healthy for, and to be able to just get right back to work."

"I feel very, very close—much closer—to other women, and women who are going through the same thing. Wherever I go, usually I run into women and we talk about health issues, women's issues, breast cancer, ovarian cancer. I've talked to men about their daughters' and wives' health. It makes me feel closer to other people who deal with the same things and have either lost their parents or are considering surgeries or wondering about their children."

"The reason that I wrote it was to try to communicate and help and connect with other women and other families going through the same thing. I was very, very moved by all the support and kindness from so many people."

MORE: What It's Like to Get a Double Mastectomy

We're so glad to hear that Jolie is happy and healthy! Her story has no doubt helped raise awareness about the BRCA1 genetic mutation, but unfortunately, one recent study found that this awareness didn't necessarily mean more women understood breast cancer risk. To learn more about how genetics plays a role in your risk, check out our breast cancer center

MORE: "I'm Having My Ovaries Removed"

12:58 Unknown
The actress speaks out about the decision to remove her healthy breasts

Last May, Angelina Jolie spoke about one of her bravest moves yet: getting a preventative double mastectomy. In an op-ed for the New York Times, Jolie explained that she decided to have the surgery after finding out she carried the BRCA1 genetic mutation, putting her personally at an 87 percent risk for breast cancer and a 50 percent risk for ovarian cancer.

MORE: Study Says Women with BRCA1 Genetic Mutation Should Remove Ovaries By 35

Now gearing up for her new role in Maleficent, Jolie seems to be feeling stronger than ever about her decision. Check out what she said in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly:

"I'm great! I'm very happy I made the decision. I was very fortunate to have great doctors and very, very fortunate to have a good recovery and have a project like Unbroken to have something to be really focused on, to be getting healthy for, and to be able to just get right back to work."

"I feel very, very close—much closer—to other women, and women who are going through the same thing. Wherever I go, usually I run into women and we talk about health issues, women's issues, breast cancer, ovarian cancer. I've talked to men about their daughters' and wives' health. It makes me feel closer to other people who deal with the same things and have either lost their parents or are considering surgeries or wondering about their children."

"The reason that I wrote it was to try to communicate and help and connect with other women and other families going through the same thing. I was very, very moved by all the support and kindness from so many people."

MORE: What It's Like to Get a Double Mastectomy

We're so glad to hear that Jolie is happy and healthy! Her story has no doubt helped raise awareness about the BRCA1 genetic mutation, but unfortunately, one recent study found that this awareness didn't necessarily mean more women understood breast cancer risk. To learn more about how genetics plays a role in your risk, check out our breast cancer center

MORE: "I'm Having My Ovaries Removed"

It's even lower than you might have guessed

For the past decade, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that your daily added-sugar consumption should be no more than 10 percent of your total caloric intake. Now, after conducting an in-depth periodic review, a WHO panel is moving to halve that amount, recommending that just five percent of your total calories come from added sugar. That amounts to about 25 grams of sugar a day.

At a press conference yesterday, WHO director for nutrition Francesco Branca explained that the panel analyzed about 9,000 previous studies and learned that when it comes to your teeth, consuming more than 10 percent of your daily calories from added sugar is correlated with a higher rate of tooth decay; meanwhile, dropping your intake to five percent was associated with a full absence of tooth decay. The studies also clearly linked a reduction in sugar consumption to a reduced risk of obesity. So in order to maximize the two health benefits, the panel proposed changing its guidelines.

Branca pointed out that the new number is a “conditional recommendation,” compared to the previous “strong recommendation.” Why? “The five percent would probably be the ideal one,” Branca said in the press conference, “and the 10 percent is the, you know, more realistic one.” (Which is a good point since there are plenty of sneaky sources of sugar.)

So for the sake of your teeth and your waistline, pay attention to your sugar intake and see if you can get it down to five percent of your total calories. These should help you whittle down that number:

Is Sugar Sneaking Into Your "Healthy" Foods?

5 Foods That Have More Sugar Than a Candy Bar

Do You Have a Sugar Blind Spot?

"My Week Without Sugar"


12:32 Unknown
It's even lower than you might have guessed

For the past decade, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that your daily added-sugar consumption should be no more than 10 percent of your total caloric intake. Now, after conducting an in-depth periodic review, a WHO panel is moving to halve that amount, recommending that just five percent of your total calories come from added sugar. That amounts to about 25 grams of sugar a day.

At a press conference yesterday, WHO director for nutrition Francesco Branca explained that the panel analyzed about 9,000 previous studies and learned that when it comes to your teeth, consuming more than 10 percent of your daily calories from added sugar is correlated with a higher rate of tooth decay; meanwhile, dropping your intake to five percent was associated with a full absence of tooth decay. The studies also clearly linked a reduction in sugar consumption to a reduced risk of obesity. So in order to maximize the two health benefits, the panel proposed changing its guidelines.

Branca pointed out that the new number is a “conditional recommendation,” compared to the previous “strong recommendation.” Why? “The five percent would probably be the ideal one,” Branca said in the press conference, “and the 10 percent is the, you know, more realistic one.” (Which is a good point since there are plenty of sneaky sources of sugar.)

So for the sake of your teeth and your waistline, pay attention to your sugar intake and see if you can get it down to five percent of your total calories. These should help you whittle down that number:

Is Sugar Sneaking Into Your "Healthy" Foods?

5 Foods That Have More Sugar Than a Candy Bar

Do You Have a Sugar Blind Spot?

"My Week Without Sugar"


Read an excerpt from Shakira's 2014 cover story

Shakira is in jeopardy of missing her flight. It's a Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles, and the singer has 20 minutes to get from her West Hollywood hotel to the airport—which is 30 minutes away, even without L.A.'s infamous traffic!

She's not running late because she requires hours with a glam squad to primp for the airport or because she was up all night partying—though she was up late. She'd actually spent the weekend here shooting the video for her song "Can't Remember to Forget You," with Rihanna. "We finished quite late every night," says Shakira, who is on her way to England to do some last-minute work on her new album, Shakira. "Maybe in the air I'll be able to sleep, because I haven't slept in two days."

Then, as she scurries out to an SUV waiting to rush her to the airport, she says something that sums up her motto for not just her professional life, but pretty much every part of her existence: "I am constantly in motion."

To read the full interview with Shakira, pick up a copy of the April issue of Women's Health, on newsstands today!

More from Women's Health:
Heidi Klum: Modern Renaissance Woman
Evangeline's Got Guts
Drew Barrymore's Laid-Back Lifestyle

12:06 Unknown
Read an excerpt from Shakira's 2014 cover story

Shakira is in jeopardy of missing her flight. It's a Sunday afternoon in Los Angeles, and the singer has 20 minutes to get from her West Hollywood hotel to the airport—which is 30 minutes away, even without L.A.'s infamous traffic!

She's not running late because she requires hours with a glam squad to primp for the airport or because she was up all night partying—though she was up late. She'd actually spent the weekend here shooting the video for her song "Can't Remember to Forget You," with Rihanna. "We finished quite late every night," says Shakira, who is on her way to England to do some last-minute work on her new album, Shakira. "Maybe in the air I'll be able to sleep, because I haven't slept in two days."

Then, as she scurries out to an SUV waiting to rush her to the airport, she says something that sums up her motto for not just her professional life, but pretty much every part of her existence: "I am constantly in motion."

To read the full interview with Shakira, pick up a copy of the April issue of Women's Health, on newsstands today!

More from Women's Health:
Heidi Klum: Modern Renaissance Woman
Evangeline's Got Guts
Drew Barrymore's Laid-Back Lifestyle

Find out how many people have it stashed in their bedside drawer right now

If you think lube is only for older women and trips to the gyno, you are seriously mistaken. The truth is, the majority of men and women have used commercial lubricants during sex, according to two recent studies published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Both studies used data from the 2012 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior to survey a nationally representative sample of men and women over 18. In one study, researchers looked at how and why men use the slick stuff. They found that 70 percent of all men had used lube before, with 25.4 percent using it in the last month. Men in relationships and over the age of 24 were more likely to use it than other guys, and most men said they used it “for fun” or “to make sex more comfortable.”

MORE: You’ll Never Believe What Some Women Are Doing for Better Orgasms

When the researchers conducted the same study on women, the results were similar. Overall, 65.5 percent of women reported ever having used lube, while 20 percent used it in the last month. Similarly, most women turned to lube to make sex more comfortable and exciting.

So why are lube users such huge fans of the stuff? Most men and women reported that it makes sex feel better and makes it easier to get aroused. Another study found that nearly 50 percent of people who’ve used lube said it made it easier to orgasm. Well, we’re sold.

MORE: Cameron Diaz Wants You to Play with Your Vagina

Ready to go stock your bedside drawer? Get this: There are even new lubricants for every diet. With all the hype, it seems like lube is transforming from something you need to something you want during sex. Get on board, and find out how to have hotter sex with lube.

MORE: 13 Signs You Need to Spice Up Your Sex Life


11:40 Unknown
Find out how many people have it stashed in their bedside drawer right now

If you think lube is only for older women and trips to the gyno, you are seriously mistaken. The truth is, the majority of men and women have used commercial lubricants during sex, according to two recent studies published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Both studies used data from the 2012 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior to survey a nationally representative sample of men and women over 18. In one study, researchers looked at how and why men use the slick stuff. They found that 70 percent of all men had used lube before, with 25.4 percent using it in the last month. Men in relationships and over the age of 24 were more likely to use it than other guys, and most men said they used it “for fun” or “to make sex more comfortable.”

MORE: You’ll Never Believe What Some Women Are Doing for Better Orgasms

When the researchers conducted the same study on women, the results were similar. Overall, 65.5 percent of women reported ever having used lube, while 20 percent used it in the last month. Similarly, most women turned to lube to make sex more comfortable and exciting.

So why are lube users such huge fans of the stuff? Most men and women reported that it makes sex feel better and makes it easier to get aroused. Another study found that nearly 50 percent of people who’ve used lube said it made it easier to orgasm. Well, we’re sold.

MORE: Cameron Diaz Wants You to Play with Your Vagina

Ready to go stock your bedside drawer? Get this: There are even new lubricants for every diet. With all the hype, it seems like lube is transforming from something you need to something you want during sex. Get on board, and find out how to have hotter sex with lube.

MORE: 13 Signs You Need to Spice Up Your Sex Life


Beyoncé-grade curves ahead!

Has Beyoncé’s “Drunk in Love” video inspired you to get your hourglass figure in tiptop shape, like, yesterday? Um, us too. Luckily, we’ve come up with a quick, customized workout that will have you flaunting your curves faster than you can say “surfboard.” (Surfboard.) Our video doesn’t feature a frisky Jay-Z, unfortunately, but it does expertly demonstrate the eight killer moves PERFECT for women with an hourglass shape. Embrace those curves, ladies, and use these moves to really show them off.


Most used player for workouts, articles, and cover models


What you’ll need:
A pair of dumbbells
A step (optional)
A mat
A stability ball
A bench (or a sturdy object of similar height)
A medicine ball (optional)
The workout moves:
Lift-Off Lunge: 10 to 12 reps on each side (you’ll need a pair of dumbbells; grab a step to make the move harder)
Mermaid: 8 to 10 reps on each side (you’ll probably want to use a mat)
Pushup and Leg Raise: 8 to 12 reps (you’ll need a stability ball)
Hundred on the Ball: 10 reps, with 100 breaths per rep (you’ll need a stability ball)
Tai Chi Lunge: 10 to 12 reps on each side (grab a stability ball to make the move harder)
Glute Bridge with Triceps Extension: 10 to 12 reps (you’ll need a pair of dumbbells)
Lateral Step-ups: 10 to 12 reps on each side (you’ll need a bench or other sturdy 12- to 18-inch-high object; grab a medicine ball to make the move harder)
Side Plank with Moving Knee: 8 to 10 reps on each side (you’ll probably want to use a mat)
Do this workout—at the gym or at home if you have the equipment—three times per week as you gear up for bikini season. In the meantime, with all respect to Queen Bey, we recommend getting only tipsy in love. 
Check out some of our other favorite workouts:

The Best Exercises for a Pear Shaped Body

The Total-Body Workout You HAVE to Try

Five-Minte Fat-Blaster: Crush Calories with This Quick Workout


11:14 Unknown
Beyoncé-grade curves ahead!

Has Beyoncé’s “Drunk in Love” video inspired you to get your hourglass figure in tiptop shape, like, yesterday? Um, us too. Luckily, we’ve come up with a quick, customized workout that will have you flaunting your curves faster than you can say “surfboard.” (Surfboard.) Our video doesn’t feature a frisky Jay-Z, unfortunately, but it does expertly demonstrate the eight killer moves PERFECT for women with an hourglass shape. Embrace those curves, ladies, and use these moves to really show them off.


Most used player for workouts, articles, and cover models


What you’ll need:
A pair of dumbbells
A step (optional)
A mat
A stability ball
A bench (or a sturdy object of similar height)
A medicine ball (optional)
The workout moves:
Lift-Off Lunge: 10 to 12 reps on each side (you’ll need a pair of dumbbells; grab a step to make the move harder)
Mermaid: 8 to 10 reps on each side (you’ll probably want to use a mat)
Pushup and Leg Raise: 8 to 12 reps (you’ll need a stability ball)
Hundred on the Ball: 10 reps, with 100 breaths per rep (you’ll need a stability ball)
Tai Chi Lunge: 10 to 12 reps on each side (grab a stability ball to make the move harder)
Glute Bridge with Triceps Extension: 10 to 12 reps (you’ll need a pair of dumbbells)
Lateral Step-ups: 10 to 12 reps on each side (you’ll need a bench or other sturdy 12- to 18-inch-high object; grab a medicine ball to make the move harder)
Side Plank with Moving Knee: 8 to 10 reps on each side (you’ll probably want to use a mat)
Do this workout—at the gym or at home if you have the equipment—three times per week as you gear up for bikini season. In the meantime, with all respect to Queen Bey, we recommend getting only tipsy in love. 
Check out some of our other favorite workouts:

The Best Exercises for a Pear Shaped Body

The Total-Body Workout You HAVE to Try

Five-Minte Fat-Blaster: Crush Calories with This Quick Workout


Notice that healthy's not in quotation marks here

Here's the thing about fat: Most people have a negative knee-jerk reaction to the word—but they shouldn't. Good-for-you fats promote heart health, keep us feeling full and satisfied, and may even help ward off cognitive decline. All of these foods contain more fat than a glazed doughnut (which contains 14 grams), but that doesn't mean you should eliminate them from your diet. Here's why:

Half an Avocado
Each half of this fruit comes with 15 grams of fat—but 10 of those grams are monounsaturated fats, which improve cholesterol levels. They may also prevent the accumulation of belly fat, according to a study published in Diabetes Care.


Two Tablespoons Peanut Butter
If you limit yourself to two tablespoons, you'll be taking in 16 grams of fat, about half of which is monounsaturated. You'll also get nearly four grams of polyunsaturated fat, which can help reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

MORE: How Much Fat is Healthy?


One Ounce Unsweetened Dried Coconut
Almost all of the 18 grams of fat in this ideal oatmeal- or yogurt-topper are saturated—but new research suggests there's a place in healthy diets for saturated fats (and that they may not be as strongly linked to heart disease as previously though). Since the recommendation is to get no more than 10 percent of your daily calories from saturated fats (and that comes to about 40-60 grams for an 1,800-calorie diet), you can definitely swing these 18.


3 Large Eggs
You'll get just more than 14 grams of fat from a breakfast that includes three eggs. The fat content breaks down fairly evenly between saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats.


12 Olives
These edge out the donuts with 15 grams of fat, the vast majority of which is monounsaturated. Plus, olives, as with all of these foods mentioned, offer lots of other nutrients outside of their healthy fats. Unfortunately, we can't say the same for the donut.

MORE: 5 Foods That Have More Sugar Than a Candy Bar


10:48 Unknown
Notice that healthy's not in quotation marks here

Here's the thing about fat: Most people have a negative knee-jerk reaction to the word—but they shouldn't. Good-for-you fats promote heart health, keep us feeling full and satisfied, and may even help ward off cognitive decline. All of these foods contain more fat than a glazed doughnut (which contains 14 grams), but that doesn't mean you should eliminate them from your diet. Here's why:

Half an Avocado
Each half of this fruit comes with 15 grams of fat—but 10 of those grams are monounsaturated fats, which improve cholesterol levels. They may also prevent the accumulation of belly fat, according to a study published in Diabetes Care.


Two Tablespoons Peanut Butter
If you limit yourself to two tablespoons, you'll be taking in 16 grams of fat, about half of which is monounsaturated. You'll also get nearly four grams of polyunsaturated fat, which can help reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

MORE: How Much Fat is Healthy?


One Ounce Unsweetened Dried Coconut
Almost all of the 18 grams of fat in this ideal oatmeal- or yogurt-topper are saturated—but new research suggests there's a place in healthy diets for saturated fats (and that they may not be as strongly linked to heart disease as previously though). Since the recommendation is to get no more than 10 percent of your daily calories from saturated fats (and that comes to about 40-60 grams for an 1,800-calorie diet), you can definitely swing these 18.


3 Large Eggs
You'll get just more than 14 grams of fat from a breakfast that includes three eggs. The fat content breaks down fairly evenly between saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats.


12 Olives
These edge out the donuts with 15 grams of fat, the vast majority of which is monounsaturated. Plus, olives, as with all of these foods mentioned, offer lots of other nutrients outside of their healthy fats. Unfortunately, we can't say the same for the donut.

MORE: 5 Foods That Have More Sugar Than a Candy Bar


An expert weighs in on this tricky question

The question: Sometimes you see recommendations to have a weekly cheat day in your diet—and other times you read that it's better to have one treat a day. Which is smarter?

The expert: Angela Lemond, R.D., a nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

The answer: If you have a craving for something that's not on your healthy-eating plan, satisfy it, then get on with your day—rather than dedicating an entire 24-hour period to indulgence.

"I would say it's better to have one cheat per day and not an entire day of cheating or eating what I call 'sometimes food,'" says Lemond. "That nickname gives you an idea of how often you should be eating those foods: sometimes." In other words, not all day (even if that's only one day a week).

Lemond says it's also important to keep in mind that calories aren't necessarily a bad thing—you need them to maintain stamina and muscle strength. "In an ideal world, you're using food as your daily fuel to maximize your life," she says. So if you're choosing your splurges wisely, they'll contain at least some energy-boosting nutrients and enough calories (around 200) to keep you going. Bonus: "The more active you are, the more your body is going to give you grace to have those indulgences because it uses them for energy," says Lemond.

On the other hand, if you restrict your calorie intake severely for six days straight and then gorge on whatever's in your fridge, cabinets, and secret sugar stash, you're putting your body at risk in two ways: First, you may not be not getting enough nutrients (including calories) over the course of the week. Also, you're probably going to eat really super crappy on that cheat day—"and that guilt perpetuates more dieting," says Lemond.

Avoiding that bummed-out feeling is a final reason to stick with small daily treats. "I think individuals stay happiest if they allow themselves to eat the foods they enjoy, within reason," says Lemond. "The way you can do that is to not feel like you've failed if you've had a cookie or two. I hear a lot of 'I was bad today because I ate this.' But you're not bad if you're not eating that all day long. If you have a little bit here and the rest of the day you're eating high-nutrient foods, that's completely OK." In other words, a healthy lifestyle is one that isn't centered around dieting; it allows for some indulgences, and they don't have to happen on a specific schedule. As long as you eat nutritious foods most of the time, that's what matters.

More From Women's Health:
The Most Obese State in the U.S.
"Do I Actually Weigh More When I'm Bloated?"
The Shocking Truth About Some Before- and After- Weight-Loss Success Story Photos


10:22 Unknown
An expert weighs in on this tricky question

The question: Sometimes you see recommendations to have a weekly cheat day in your diet—and other times you read that it's better to have one treat a day. Which is smarter?

The expert: Angela Lemond, R.D., a nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

The answer: If you have a craving for something that's not on your healthy-eating plan, satisfy it, then get on with your day—rather than dedicating an entire 24-hour period to indulgence.

"I would say it's better to have one cheat per day and not an entire day of cheating or eating what I call 'sometimes food,'" says Lemond. "That nickname gives you an idea of how often you should be eating those foods: sometimes." In other words, not all day (even if that's only one day a week).

Lemond says it's also important to keep in mind that calories aren't necessarily a bad thing—you need them to maintain stamina and muscle strength. "In an ideal world, you're using food as your daily fuel to maximize your life," she says. So if you're choosing your splurges wisely, they'll contain at least some energy-boosting nutrients and enough calories (around 200) to keep you going. Bonus: "The more active you are, the more your body is going to give you grace to have those indulgences because it uses them for energy," says Lemond.

On the other hand, if you restrict your calorie intake severely for six days straight and then gorge on whatever's in your fridge, cabinets, and secret sugar stash, you're putting your body at risk in two ways: First, you may not be not getting enough nutrients (including calories) over the course of the week. Also, you're probably going to eat really super crappy on that cheat day—"and that guilt perpetuates more dieting," says Lemond.

Avoiding that bummed-out feeling is a final reason to stick with small daily treats. "I think individuals stay happiest if they allow themselves to eat the foods they enjoy, within reason," says Lemond. "The way you can do that is to not feel like you've failed if you've had a cookie or two. I hear a lot of 'I was bad today because I ate this.' But you're not bad if you're not eating that all day long. If you have a little bit here and the rest of the day you're eating high-nutrient foods, that's completely OK." In other words, a healthy lifestyle is one that isn't centered around dieting; it allows for some indulgences, and they don't have to happen on a specific schedule. As long as you eat nutritious foods most of the time, that's what matters.

More From Women's Health:
The Most Obese State in the U.S.
"Do I Actually Weigh More When I'm Bloated?"
The Shocking Truth About Some Before- and After- Weight-Loss Success Story Photos


Jessia Alba will be in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For this summer. New promo pics show that her abs are just as ferocious as they were in the original movie... see for yourself

Almost ten years after Jessica Alba starred as sensitive stripper Nancy Callahan in Sin City, she’s reprising that racy role in this summer's Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. And while the 32-year-old’s personal life has changed drastically—she’s now a wife and mother of two, which she discussed with us in an interview last year—a just-released promo shot shows that she has stayed ridiculously fit. Seriously, check out those two pictures above: Can you tell which one is from this year, and which is from a decade ago? Yeah, neither could we. (Here's the answer: The one on the left is from the original movie; the one on the right is from this year's film. Incredible!)

The actress revealed to E! Online a few basic rules she abides by: stocking up on organic produce, drinking tons of water, being active as much as possible. Those fabulous abs don’t just sprout up on their own, of course. When she was a Women's Health cover star last year, she revealed to us that her favorite workouts include dance classes, cycling classes, and sprint workouts. Those activities certainly can't hurt, either!

Feeling covetous of Jessica Alba's enviable abdominals? Get started on these killer abs workouts, stat:

The 15-Minute Standing Workout for Flat Abs

6 Moves for Strong and Toned Abs

The 5-Minute No-Crunches Workout for Incredible Abs




09:56 Unknown
Jessia Alba will be in Sin City: A Dame to Kill For this summer. New promo pics show that her abs are just as ferocious as they were in the original movie... see for yourself

Almost ten years after Jessica Alba starred as sensitive stripper Nancy Callahan in Sin City, she’s reprising that racy role in this summer's Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. And while the 32-year-old’s personal life has changed drastically—she’s now a wife and mother of two, which she discussed with us in an interview last year—a just-released promo shot shows that she has stayed ridiculously fit. Seriously, check out those two pictures above: Can you tell which one is from this year, and which is from a decade ago? Yeah, neither could we. (Here's the answer: The one on the left is from the original movie; the one on the right is from this year's film. Incredible!)

The actress revealed to E! Online a few basic rules she abides by: stocking up on organic produce, drinking tons of water, being active as much as possible. Those fabulous abs don’t just sprout up on their own, of course. When she was a Women's Health cover star last year, she revealed to us that her favorite workouts include dance classes, cycling classes, and sprint workouts. Those activities certainly can't hurt, either!

Feeling covetous of Jessica Alba's enviable abdominals? Get started on these killer abs workouts, stat:

The 15-Minute Standing Workout for Flat Abs

6 Moves for Strong and Toned Abs

The 5-Minute No-Crunches Workout for Incredible Abs




The celebrity chef dishes up her best pointers for gorgeous locks

Giada De Laurentiis is known for her winning recipes and charm. But we've got to say: She has some seriously winning hair, too!

Giada is currently a Clairol Natural Instincts spokesperson, and fittingly, her hair color of choice from their line is a food: Hot Cocoa, with a few lighter pieces added in. "I feel like [the color] highlights my skin and my eyes," she says. "And I think that's what, really, people look for. A lot of women just want their skin to glow and their eyes to pop, and the color of your hair has a lot to do with that."

Check out the video for three more of Giada's tips for shiny, healthy hair:

Use for embed where you don't want auto play


More from Women's Health:
14 Foods for Healthy Hair That's Beyond Gorgeous
Why Gisele Doesn't Own a Hairbrush
11 Tips for Voluminous, Healthy Hair

09:30 Unknown
The celebrity chef dishes up her best pointers for gorgeous locks

Giada De Laurentiis is known for her winning recipes and charm. But we've got to say: She has some seriously winning hair, too!

Giada is currently a Clairol Natural Instincts spokesperson, and fittingly, her hair color of choice from their line is a food: Hot Cocoa, with a few lighter pieces added in. "I feel like [the color] highlights my skin and my eyes," she says. "And I think that's what, really, people look for. A lot of women just want their skin to glow and their eyes to pop, and the color of your hair has a lot to do with that."

Check out the video for three more of Giada's tips for shiny, healthy hair:

Use for embed where you don't want auto play


More from Women's Health:
14 Foods for Healthy Hair That's Beyond Gorgeous
Why Gisele Doesn't Own a Hairbrush
11 Tips for Voluminous, Healthy Hair

Read this before you put anything in that blender

Sipping your nutrients has been crazy popular for a while now. And it's no surprise—the It drink can provide you with loads of health benefits by upping your intake of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. The problem is, there's a lot of confusion about how to juice. Some people start with the go-big-or-go-home mentality with juice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Others add so many juices to their diet that it totally negates the health benefits. No matter what your juicing dilemma, we’re here to help. Here are four juicing fails you'll want to avoid:

Going All Or Nothing
Some people get so caught up in a new diet trend that they think going to the extreme will provide better, faster results. In reality, that often sets you up for failure. For most us (myself included) it's extremely difficult to sustain an all-juice diet for any extended length of time (just check out these 15 signs you're on a juice cleanse!). It's a ticking time bomb that will likely explode and result in you downing a bag of Doritos and bingeing at a burger joint. Not a good plan. The key is to incorporate juices into your diet without totally replacing your meals. For most people, a breakfast juice is a great place to start. Try a green juice with a handful of almonds instead of your usual breakfast of yogurt or cereal (Here's a great starter recipe: 1/2 a head of romaine lettuce, 1/2 a cucumber, 6 spinach leaves, and 1/2 a green apple.). Do this a couple times a week, allow it to become a part of your healthy eating routine, and you'll be sure to stay on the juicing wagon (otherwise, we make no promises).

MORE: Would You Do a Juice Cleanse to Boost Your Libido?

Adding Without Subtracting
Another common flub is adding juices into your diet without subtracting other foods. Look, we know juicing is great for you, it provides all kinds of insane antioxidants, but it's important to keep in mind that they still have calories. Some are better than others—for instance, green juices tend to have fewer calories and sugar than fruit juices—but if you're adding these to your diet every day, well, let's just say it adds up. Instead, add a juice to your diet while subtracting another food. But remember, the trick is to incorporate them, not use them to replace meals altogether. In place of another side dish, try a green apple, spinach, and celery juice with your salmon and broccoli at dinner. This way you'll get all the amazing benefits of the juice without overloading on calories. 

Picking the Wrong Produce
The best part of juicing is that each drink you make is hand crafted from the fresh produce you put into it. Unfortunately, this leaves a fair amount of room for error. As a new juicer, it's totally understandable if you're not digging the straight up green juice (it's an acquired taste, I know).  But this doesn't mean that you should load it up with so many fruits or fruit juices that it tastes like a strawberry milkshake from a fast food restaurant. I promise, adding a couple of pieces of apple or pineapple can go a long way in making it palatable. If you find yourself adding entire fruit baskets to your morning drink, it's probably time for a new plan. You might end with so much sugar and calories that it negates the health benefits. My tip? Make sure your juices follow the 80:20 ratio...80% greens, 20% fruit. Essentially, the fruit is there to cut the bitter taste, not to dominate your drink. And sometimes, you have to let those greens speak for themselves.

MORE: How an ALL-Fruit-Juice Cleanse Affects Your Body

Juicing (and Storing) in Bulk
You know it's important to store your produce properly before juicing, but it's also crucial to drink any juice you make at home as soon as possible. Once all of the raw nutrients are exposed to oxygen, they have a tendency to break down. At a maximum, juices should be stored for just a few hours before drinking. After that they lose a huge amount of their nutrients and may cause you to become ill if pathogens grow due to oxidation. So, if you want to reap the most benefits, drink up right after you juice up. If you're buying your juices, make sure to follow their expiration dates. Many juice companies now use a technology called High Pressure Pascalization, which allows nutrient-dense juice to live longer than it has in the past (up to 6 days) and also stops the growth of microflora. Still, they won't stay healthy forever in the back of your fridge.

So if you're looking to start your juice game, try to avoid these rookie mistakes. You'll end up thanking me years from now when you're a juicing fiend.

MORE: 5 Delicious Spinach Smoothies

09:04 Unknown
Read this before you put anything in that blender

Sipping your nutrients has been crazy popular for a while now. And it's no surprise—the It drink can provide you with loads of health benefits by upping your intake of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. The problem is, there's a lot of confusion about how to juice. Some people start with the go-big-or-go-home mentality with juice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Others add so many juices to their diet that it totally negates the health benefits. No matter what your juicing dilemma, we’re here to help. Here are four juicing fails you'll want to avoid:

Going All Or Nothing
Some people get so caught up in a new diet trend that they think going to the extreme will provide better, faster results. In reality, that often sets you up for failure. For most us (myself included) it's extremely difficult to sustain an all-juice diet for any extended length of time (just check out these 15 signs you're on a juice cleanse!). It's a ticking time bomb that will likely explode and result in you downing a bag of Doritos and bingeing at a burger joint. Not a good plan. The key is to incorporate juices into your diet without totally replacing your meals. For most people, a breakfast juice is a great place to start. Try a green juice with a handful of almonds instead of your usual breakfast of yogurt or cereal (Here's a great starter recipe: 1/2 a head of romaine lettuce, 1/2 a cucumber, 6 spinach leaves, and 1/2 a green apple.). Do this a couple times a week, allow it to become a part of your healthy eating routine, and you'll be sure to stay on the juicing wagon (otherwise, we make no promises).

MORE: Would You Do a Juice Cleanse to Boost Your Libido?

Adding Without Subtracting
Another common flub is adding juices into your diet without subtracting other foods. Look, we know juicing is great for you, it provides all kinds of insane antioxidants, but it's important to keep in mind that they still have calories. Some are better than others—for instance, green juices tend to have fewer calories and sugar than fruit juices—but if you're adding these to your diet every day, well, let's just say it adds up. Instead, add a juice to your diet while subtracting another food. But remember, the trick is to incorporate them, not use them to replace meals altogether. In place of another side dish, try a green apple, spinach, and celery juice with your salmon and broccoli at dinner. This way you'll get all the amazing benefits of the juice without overloading on calories. 

Picking the Wrong Produce
The best part of juicing is that each drink you make is hand crafted from the fresh produce you put into it. Unfortunately, this leaves a fair amount of room for error. As a new juicer, it's totally understandable if you're not digging the straight up green juice (it's an acquired taste, I know).  But this doesn't mean that you should load it up with so many fruits or fruit juices that it tastes like a strawberry milkshake from a fast food restaurant. I promise, adding a couple of pieces of apple or pineapple can go a long way in making it palatable. If you find yourself adding entire fruit baskets to your morning drink, it's probably time for a new plan. You might end with so much sugar and calories that it negates the health benefits. My tip? Make sure your juices follow the 80:20 ratio...80% greens, 20% fruit. Essentially, the fruit is there to cut the bitter taste, not to dominate your drink. And sometimes, you have to let those greens speak for themselves.

MORE: How an ALL-Fruit-Juice Cleanse Affects Your Body

Juicing (and Storing) in Bulk
You know it's important to store your produce properly before juicing, but it's also crucial to drink any juice you make at home as soon as possible. Once all of the raw nutrients are exposed to oxygen, they have a tendency to break down. At a maximum, juices should be stored for just a few hours before drinking. After that they lose a huge amount of their nutrients and may cause you to become ill if pathogens grow due to oxidation. So, if you want to reap the most benefits, drink up right after you juice up. If you're buying your juices, make sure to follow their expiration dates. Many juice companies now use a technology called High Pressure Pascalization, which allows nutrient-dense juice to live longer than it has in the past (up to 6 days) and also stops the growth of microflora. Still, they won't stay healthy forever in the back of your fridge.

So if you're looking to start your juice game, try to avoid these rookie mistakes. You'll end up thanking me years from now when you're a juicing fiend.

MORE: 5 Delicious Spinach Smoothies


How to make sure you’ve got confidence to spare!]]>
08:38 Unknown

How to make sure you’ve got confidence to spare!]]>

Check out the positive reviews for Dr. Zach's version of the HCG diet protocol. To view all of the HCG diet reviews found on Amazon, click here. HCG 2.0 uses a BMR calculation to determine the amount of calories on your individualized HCG diet. It also measures your protein items in calories rather than grams, so that you can eat larger portion sizes of leaner items such as white fish and tuna. Choose for yourself, would you rather have 100 grams of beef that contains 260 calories or 250 grams of fish that contains… 260 calories. HCG 2.0 is about eating smart and properly budgeting your calories. Learn more by viewing our Slideshare presentation here

HCG Diet Reviews More Positive Reviews for the HCG 2.0 Diet Protocol

This is a great make-over on the old HCG diet. I am able to eat a lot bigger quantities of food and feel much more satisfied though I am getting the same rapid results I got on HCG previously. This is an HCG revolution for sure. By Allpa

Could not put down, very interesting. Lets you understand the difference between a few doctors opinions and views
Just by taking the HCG drops you don't understand how to use them without the HCG information behind it. by Denise Bailey "memories"

hcg diet review More Positive Reviews for the HCG 2.0 Diet Protocol

I have done the Simeon's protocol in the past. I did lose weight but I will admit it was tough to follow the strict guidelines of the Protocol. I was so glad to have found this book! This is strictly a meat/veggie protocol. I started on Feb 24 & Im down 4.2lbs. Here are my Pros/Cons of the book


~Some of his food items have been higher in Nutritional Data than Ive been eating. Therefore, I have added my foods to his list & printed it out.

~Carbs are NOT UNLIMITED. Most servings are 1c. unless noted. However, the Veggie calories are not to be included into your daily caloric allowance. You are ONLY allowed 30g of carbs per day, and thats FOR EVERYONE.

~No milk

~No fruits


~You can eat BREAKFAST!!

~Alot more variety of meats & vegetables

~Mixing veggies is allowed review of hcg diet

~An idealistis Calorie Limit depending on each individuals weight, height, age (not like the 500 as on Simeon's)

~You can drink diet soda, diet coke,  zero calorie, carb free beverages instead of just being stuck with tea,water,coffee

~I have not been hungry at all & have been satisfied with the amts of food is allowed. I sometimes choose to eat 5 small meals instead of 3.

~lotions,makeups, deodorants, etc. are not an issue

~you can chew gum!! icon wink More Positive Reviews for the HCG 2.0 Diet Protocol hcg drops

~very easy to follow with good explanation. LOVE THIS BOOK!!

If you enjoyed HCG 2.0 and would like to write an HCG diet review just visit

Keywords: hcg, hcg diet, hcg diet reviews, hcg drops, simeon's protocol, simeons, diet soda, diet coke, hcg review, hcg information, 

08:12 Unknown

Check out the positive reviews for Dr. Zach's version of the HCG diet protocol. To view all of the HCG diet reviews found on Amazon, click here. HCG 2.0 uses a BMR calculation to determine the amount of calories on your individualized HCG diet. It also measures your protein items in calories rather than grams, so that you can eat larger portion sizes of leaner items such as white fish and tuna. Choose for yourself, would you rather have 100 grams of beef that contains 260 calories or 250 grams of fish that contains… 260 calories. HCG 2.0 is about eating smart and properly budgeting your calories. Learn more by viewing our Slideshare presentation here

HCG Diet Reviews More Positive Reviews for the HCG 2.0 Diet Protocol

This is a great make-over on the old HCG diet. I am able to eat a lot bigger quantities of food and feel much more satisfied though I am getting the same rapid results I got on HCG previously. This is an HCG revolution for sure. By Allpa

Could not put down, very interesting. Lets you understand the difference between a few doctors opinions and views
Just by taking the HCG drops you don't understand how to use them without the HCG information behind it. by Denise Bailey "memories"

hcg diet review More Positive Reviews for the HCG 2.0 Diet Protocol

I have done the Simeon's protocol in the past. I did lose weight but I will admit it was tough to follow the strict guidelines of the Protocol. I was so glad to have found this book! This is strictly a meat/veggie protocol. I started on Feb 24 & Im down 4.2lbs. Here are my Pros/Cons of the book


~Some of his food items have been higher in Nutritional Data than Ive been eating. Therefore, I have added my foods to his list & printed it out.

~Carbs are NOT UNLIMITED. Most servings are 1c. unless noted. However, the Veggie calories are not to be included into your daily caloric allowance. You are ONLY allowed 30g of carbs per day, and thats FOR EVERYONE.

~No milk

~No fruits


~You can eat BREAKFAST!!

~Alot more variety of meats & vegetables

~Mixing veggies is allowed review of hcg diet

~An idealistis Calorie Limit depending on each individuals weight, height, age (not like the 500 as on Simeon's)

~You can drink diet soda, diet coke,  zero calorie, carb free beverages instead of just being stuck with tea,water,coffee

~I have not been hungry at all & have been satisfied with the amts of food is allowed. I sometimes choose to eat 5 small meals instead of 3.

~lotions,makeups, deodorants, etc. are not an issue

~you can chew gum!! icon wink More Positive Reviews for the HCG 2.0 Diet Protocol hcg drops

~very easy to follow with good explanation. LOVE THIS BOOK!!

If you enjoyed HCG 2.0 and would like to write an HCG diet review just visit

Keywords: hcg, hcg diet, hcg diet reviews, hcg drops, simeon's protocol, simeons, diet soda, diet coke, hcg review, hcg information, 

Dr. Z answers your HCG diet questions 300x249 HCG Diet Questions and Information from Dr. ZachI received an email from a woman completing a course of study in nutrition and weight loss. She asked if I wouldn't mind answering some questions relating to my book, HCG 2.0 – A Modern Adaptation to the traditional HCG Diet. In doing so, I thought some of my readers might have the same questions so I posted them questions and answerns below. If you have questions relating to your HCG diet protocol, please feel free to email me or post them to our HCG Diet Facebook page

1. Sunnarize the basic principals of the HCG 2.0 Diet. free
2. Are there any food gruops missing your HCG diet protocol? If so, which ones?
3. Are there any food groups that are in excessive amounts in your HCG plan? If so, which ones?
4. What Macronutrients are missing from HCG 2.0? free
5. What Micronutrients are missing from HCG 2.0? free information
6. Do you recommend the HCG 2.0 diet protocol? why or why not? more free information
7. What are the potential side effects (positive or negative) on the dieters health?
8. Analyze a 3 day intake and summarize your findings?


1.     The HCG 2.0 diet combines the HCG supplement with a ketosis based diet. Limiting the carbs on the diet further maintains a more consistent level of ketosis throughout the 40-day low calorie protocol. The more the dieter can do to help the HCG by limiting carbs and maintaining ketosis, the more the HCG will help the dieter.

2.     As we’ve established, this is a ketosis based diet, so there are no starches. Starches can be re-introduced when after the 40 day HCG Diet protocol.

3.     The allowable protein on the HCG diet is adequate, but not excessive. The amount of protein allowed is dependent upon the dieter. A BMR calculation is used to determine the amount of protein allowed on the diet. Protein calories equal 40% of the dieters BMR. BMR (basal metabolic rate) is the amount of calorie one needs to maintain normal, at rest, body function.

4.     As a ketosis diet, there are no carbohydrates. Limiting carbs initiates a completely healthy metabolic process called ketosis which facilitates the conversion of stored fat into ketone bodies, which are converted by the liver into useable energy. Ketosis is the only way to tap into our unwanted fat stores. For more on ketosis, click here.

5.     The HCG 2.0 diet allows for plenty of vegetables and adequate protein, so all micronutrients are included. Carbs are a source of energy, but contain very little nutritional value. If you dissect the word carbohydrate, it’s the reverse of hydrocarbon. Hydrocarbons are the energy that powers are vehicles. Similarly, carbohydrates power the engines of our bodies. Also like our vehicles, when we consume carbohydrates in combination with the oxygen we breathe, energy is produced with CO2 as the by-product. Isn’t biochemistry fascinating??

6.     Of course. It’s a quick and effective way to shed unwanted fat while maintaining muscle mass. One might argue that it’s difficult to maintain the weight loss, and that might be true, but maintaining weight loss is actually a good problem to have. First, it shows that you’re capable of losing weight. Second, you’re operating at a lower weight, which means improvements in blood chemistry including cholesterols, glucose, HBA1C and lower blood pressure. It will take work and discipline, but maintaining the weight loss is entirely doable. My philosophy is get the weight off as quick as possible and then worry about keeping it off.

7.     Positive side effects include: Better rest.Improvements in blood chemistry including lowered cholesterols, blood pressure and HBa1C, which typically remains low following the diet. Higher energy levels without a nervous or edgy feeling. A general feeling of well-being.

Negative side effects may include: Headaches early in the protocol. This could be more of problem if you are accustomed to a high sugar diet and more likely a by-product of detoxing yourself than the HCG. This can be addressed with Aspirin. Leg cramping – Again, this is typically a more frequent problem if you were accustomed to a high sugar diet. A multi-vitamin or potassium supplement can help remedy this. Slight, temporary hair thinning, primarily in women. You may be more likely to experience this if you have a history of female pattern baldness of have lost hair following a pregnancy. A Biotin supplement can remedy this.



Keywords: hcg, hcg diet, hcg protocol, hcg plan, ketosis, micronutrients, macronutrients, brm, hba1c, calories, carbs, carbohydrates, protein, weight loss, side effects

07:46 Unknown

Dr. Z answers your HCG diet questions 300x249 HCG Diet Questions and Information from Dr. ZachI received an email from a woman completing a course of study in nutrition and weight loss. She asked if I wouldn't mind answering some questions relating to my book, HCG 2.0 – A Modern Adaptation to the traditional HCG Diet. In doing so, I thought some of my readers might have the same questions so I posted them questions and answerns below. If you have questions relating to your HCG diet protocol, please feel free to email me or post them to our HCG Diet Facebook page

1. Sunnarize the basic principals of the HCG 2.0 Diet. free
2. Are there any food gruops missing your HCG diet protocol? If so, which ones?
3. Are there any food groups that are in excessive amounts in your HCG plan? If so, which ones?
4. What Macronutrients are missing from HCG 2.0? free
5. What Micronutrients are missing from HCG 2.0? free information
6. Do you recommend the HCG 2.0 diet protocol? why or why not? more free information
7. What are the potential side effects (positive or negative) on the dieters health?
8. Analyze a 3 day intake and summarize your findings?


1.     The HCG 2.0 diet combines the HCG supplement with a ketosis based diet. Limiting the carbs on the diet further maintains a more consistent level of ketosis throughout the 40-day low calorie protocol. The more the dieter can do to help the HCG by limiting carbs and maintaining ketosis, the more the HCG will help the dieter.

2.     As we’ve established, this is a ketosis based diet, so there are no starches. Starches can be re-introduced when after the 40 day HCG Diet protocol.

3.     The allowable protein on the HCG diet is adequate, but not excessive. The amount of protein allowed is dependent upon the dieter. A BMR calculation is used to determine the amount of protein allowed on the diet. Protein calories equal 40% of the dieters BMR. BMR (basal metabolic rate) is the amount of calorie one needs to maintain normal, at rest, body function.

4.     As a ketosis diet, there are no carbohydrates. Limiting carbs initiates a completely healthy metabolic process called ketosis which facilitates the conversion of stored fat into ketone bodies, which are converted by the liver into useable energy. Ketosis is the only way to tap into our unwanted fat stores. For more on ketosis, click here.

5.     The HCG 2.0 diet allows for plenty of vegetables and adequate protein, so all micronutrients are included. Carbs are a source of energy, but contain very little nutritional value. If you dissect the word carbohydrate, it’s the reverse of hydrocarbon. Hydrocarbons are the energy that powers are vehicles. Similarly, carbohydrates power the engines of our bodies. Also like our vehicles, when we consume carbohydrates in combination with the oxygen we breathe, energy is produced with CO2 as the by-product. Isn’t biochemistry fascinating??

6.     Of course. It’s a quick and effective way to shed unwanted fat while maintaining muscle mass. One might argue that it’s difficult to maintain the weight loss, and that might be true, but maintaining weight loss is actually a good problem to have. First, it shows that you’re capable of losing weight. Second, you’re operating at a lower weight, which means improvements in blood chemistry including cholesterols, glucose, HBA1C and lower blood pressure. It will take work and discipline, but maintaining the weight loss is entirely doable. My philosophy is get the weight off as quick as possible and then worry about keeping it off.

7.     Positive side effects include: Better rest.Improvements in blood chemistry including lowered cholesterols, blood pressure and HBa1C, which typically remains low following the diet. Higher energy levels without a nervous or edgy feeling. A general feeling of well-being.

Negative side effects may include: Headaches early in the protocol. This could be more of problem if you are accustomed to a high sugar diet and more likely a by-product of detoxing yourself than the HCG. This can be addressed with Aspirin. Leg cramping – Again, this is typically a more frequent problem if you were accustomed to a high sugar diet. A multi-vitamin or potassium supplement can help remedy this. Slight, temporary hair thinning, primarily in women. You may be more likely to experience this if you have a history of female pattern baldness of have lost hair following a pregnancy. A Biotin supplement can remedy this.



Keywords: hcg, hcg diet, hcg protocol, hcg plan, ketosis, micronutrients, macronutrients, brm, hba1c, calories, carbs, carbohydrates, protein, weight loss, side effects

Sunday, 2 March 2014

So. After making fun of Michael, I got sick.


Let the good times roll.

Sooo. I spent the majority of the weekend holed up like a nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy-head little biotch.


BUT!! Let it be known: I still got work done; I took Pixy on a walk, cleaned the house, did laundry, returned a zillion e-mails, & did a lil Blog-Doo photo shoot ( oh, the difference between men & women…cough, cough, Michael ).

Annndd today was the first day back at the gym…ok, so weigh in on this one: my trainer, Mike says as long as you’re sick from the neck up, it’s ok to workout. If you’re sick from the neck down, you shouldn’t be sweatin’…at all.

Here’s my thing: I think it’s fine to go to the gym when you’re starting to feel better, but is it necessary to come to gym super sick?

Like, if you have Swine flu, do me a fav & stay home. Because no Purell is going to fix that shit.

Anyway hope you’re all drinking lots of lemon water, taking wellness herb drops, & staying the F away from anyone who’s sick.



18:05 Unknown

So. After making fun of Michael, I got sick.


Let the good times roll.

Sooo. I spent the majority of the weekend holed up like a nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy-head little biotch.


BUT!! Let it be known: I still got work done; I took Pixy on a walk, cleaned the house, did laundry, returned a zillion e-mails, & did a lil Blog-Doo photo shoot ( oh, the difference between men & women…cough, cough, Michael ).

Annndd today was the first day back at the gym…ok, so weigh in on this one: my trainer, Mike says as long as you’re sick from the neck up, it’s ok to workout. If you’re sick from the neck down, you shouldn’t be sweatin’…at all.

Here’s my thing: I think it’s fine to go to the gym when you’re starting to feel better, but is it necessary to come to gym super sick?

Like, if you have Swine flu, do me a fav & stay home. Because no Purell is going to fix that shit.

Anyway hope you’re all drinking lots of lemon water, taking wellness herb drops, & staying the F away from anyone who’s sick.



18 CommentsPosted in: BeautyPost navigation← Mini DeLitesFitness Time: This Week’s Workout Wardrobe →18 thoughts on “Brush Your Lips & Thank Me Later”
17:39 Unknown
18 CommentsPosted in: BeautyPost navigation← Mini DeLitesFitness Time: This Week’s Workout Wardrobe →18 thoughts on “Brush Your Lips & Thank Me Later”

Let’s be real: working out sucks if you don’t look cute.

Like, sweats & an oversized tee don’t work for me. And if I’m busting ass in the gym then my ass should at least look cute, right?

What’s so annoying though: there’s so many awful workout clothes for women.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so annoying if I didn’t have to see camel toes x 10 at the gym ( super awkward ). But seriously…there’s so many unflattering brands.

It’s a real sigh of relief to find workout clothes that have that special, I woke up like this, flattering-look.


17:13 Unknown

Let’s be real: working out sucks if you don’t look cute.

Like, sweats & an oversized tee don’t work for me. And if I’m busting ass in the gym then my ass should at least look cute, right?

What’s so annoying though: there’s so many awful workout clothes for women.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so annoying if I didn’t have to see camel toes x 10 at the gym ( super awkward ). But seriously…there’s so many unflattering brands.

It’s a real sigh of relief to find workout clothes that have that special, I woke up like this, flattering-look.


Guys. This totally a phallic post.

Let’s go back a couple centuries & talk about the best thing ever: oil pulling.

Oil pulling was initially introduced to me by my BF & partner, Erica. She also runs the blog, Fashionlush & posted about OP-ing here.

Anyway, we went out to dinner last Friday night ( chips & salsa, duh ) and she pretty much changed my whole life with her oil pulling stories. I was like a kid, staring with my mouth wide open for a few minutes, catching flies.

I mean…is this real life? Soooo cool.


She said it’s been a realllll game-changer ( anything that whitens my teeth…I’m in ).

The benefits ( we’ll get to them later, don’t worry ) were killer…so…directions?

Thought so:

16:47 Unknown

Guys. This totally a phallic post.

Let’s go back a couple centuries & talk about the best thing ever: oil pulling.

Oil pulling was initially introduced to me by my BF & partner, Erica. She also runs the blog, Fashionlush & posted about OP-ing here.

Anyway, we went out to dinner last Friday night ( chips & salsa, duh ) and she pretty much changed my whole life with her oil pulling stories. I was like a kid, staring with my mouth wide open for a few minutes, catching flies.

I mean…is this real life? Soooo cool.


She said it’s been a realllll game-changer ( anything that whitens my teeth…I’m in ).

The benefits ( we’ll get to them later, don’t worry ) were killer…so…directions?

Thought so:

34 CommentsPosted in: InspoPost navigation← Want a New Hobby? Try Oil Pulling.34 thoughts on “Croquet & Cocktails: The Skinny Confidential Book Launch Party Deets”
16:21 Unknown
34 CommentsPosted in: InspoPost navigation← Want a New Hobby? Try Oil Pulling.34 thoughts on “Croquet & Cocktails: The Skinny Confidential Book Launch Party Deets”
They're hot and they're cold…and they're over again

So it's been kind of a crazy week for Katy Perry, who tweeted that she helped deliver a baby in a living room (!) yesterday. And just before she played nurse, news broke that she and John Mayer called it quits. The couple has been hot and cold ever since they got together in the summer of 2012, and now it looks like they've split…yet again. Who had February for the next breakup?

Sources close to the couple told E! News yesterday that they're off again, although it's not clear why. Right before the breakup, rumors started circulating that the singers were engaged. Maybe the pressure was getting to them? Or maybe John wasn't too pleased about Katy's recent liplock with Miley. (Seriously, it's been quite a week.) 

Whatever the reason, we're a little heartbroken these "Who You Love" singers couldn't make it work. But hey, at least we got some awesome relationship advice out of it. 

More from Women’s Health:
Katy Perry’s Amazing Post-Divorce Relationship Advice
What Katy Perry Eats Backstage
Katy Perry Kisses and Tells

15:55 Unknown
They're hot and they're cold…and they're over again

So it's been kind of a crazy week for Katy Perry, who tweeted that she helped deliver a baby in a living room (!) yesterday. And just before she played nurse, news broke that she and John Mayer called it quits. The couple has been hot and cold ever since they got together in the summer of 2012, and now it looks like they've split…yet again. Who had February for the next breakup?

Sources close to the couple told E! News yesterday that they're off again, although it's not clear why. Right before the breakup, rumors started circulating that the singers were engaged. Maybe the pressure was getting to them? Or maybe John wasn't too pleased about Katy's recent liplock with Miley. (Seriously, it's been quite a week.) 

Whatever the reason, we're a little heartbroken these "Who You Love" singers couldn't make it work. But hey, at least we got some awesome relationship advice out of it. 

More from Women’s Health:
Katy Perry’s Amazing Post-Divorce Relationship Advice
What Katy Perry Eats Backstage
Katy Perry Kisses and Tells

Pass the oranges!

By Natasha Burton for Beauty High

Time and time again, we hear experts sing the praises of vitamin C. Why is it so incredibly essential? Well, Rianna Loving, founder of organic skincare brand ORGO Beauty, says the nutrient is responsible for creating and maintaining collagen—the "glue that holds the body together." Specifically, this antioxidant strengthens blood vessels and gives skin its elasticity and strength.

However, vitamin C is water-soluble. Meaning: Your body doesn't store or accumulate it. That's why daily intake is highly important, says Loving. Not convinced? See how a daily dose of vitamin C can improve your hair, nails, and skin:

It Promotes Hair Health
Vitamin C is one of the most effective nutrients to help grow and strengthen hair, says Loving. To give your locks a vital dose of vitamin C, blend a partially-boiled sweet potato, a half-cup of gooseberries, three strawberries, and half a small red bell pepper until you get a creamy smooth mixture. Then apply it to your scalp and hair. Leave the mask on for 15 to 25 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.

It Makes You Look (And Feel) More Energized
In your diet, vitamin C plays a vital role in iron absorption—and iron contributes to your overall beauty and wellbeing, says Elisa Zied, author of Younger Next Week: Your Ultimate Rx to Reverse the Clock, Boost Energy and Look and Feel Younger in 7 Days. "When you deplete your iron stores, you can develop anemia and experience fatigue and weakness," she says. "That certainly won't help you look and feel vibrant or energized."

It Promotes Nail Growth
"Vitamin C helps maintain the integrity of our nails by strengthening our skin, connective tissue, bones, and blood vessel walls," says Loving.

It Helps Prevent Hangnails
Because vitamin C strengthens nails and helps them grow, it can also prevent hangnails. Ingesting vitamin C is the best route for optimal nail health, so be sure to eat citrus fruits often.

It Wards Off Signs of Aging
A 2007 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that middle-aged women who consumed more vitamin C from food sources appeared to have fewer wrinkles and less skin dryness. Experts suggest that vitamin C might delay the signs of aging due to free radical damage.

For a vitamin C-rich facemask, blend one kiwi and a half-cup of papaya, and apply the mixture to your face. After 15 to 20 minutes, wash it off with cold water.

More from Beauty High:
15 Things Only Girls With Curly Hair Will Understand
101 Beauty Tips Every Girl Should Know
Foods That Will Make Your Hair Grow Faster

15:29 Unknown
Pass the oranges!

By Natasha Burton for Beauty High

Time and time again, we hear experts sing the praises of vitamin C. Why is it so incredibly essential? Well, Rianna Loving, founder of organic skincare brand ORGO Beauty, says the nutrient is responsible for creating and maintaining collagen—the "glue that holds the body together." Specifically, this antioxidant strengthens blood vessels and gives skin its elasticity and strength.

However, vitamin C is water-soluble. Meaning: Your body doesn't store or accumulate it. That's why daily intake is highly important, says Loving. Not convinced? See how a daily dose of vitamin C can improve your hair, nails, and skin:

It Promotes Hair Health
Vitamin C is one of the most effective nutrients to help grow and strengthen hair, says Loving. To give your locks a vital dose of vitamin C, blend a partially-boiled sweet potato, a half-cup of gooseberries, three strawberries, and half a small red bell pepper until you get a creamy smooth mixture. Then apply it to your scalp and hair. Leave the mask on for 15 to 25 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.

It Makes You Look (And Feel) More Energized
In your diet, vitamin C plays a vital role in iron absorption—and iron contributes to your overall beauty and wellbeing, says Elisa Zied, author of Younger Next Week: Your Ultimate Rx to Reverse the Clock, Boost Energy and Look and Feel Younger in 7 Days. "When you deplete your iron stores, you can develop anemia and experience fatigue and weakness," she says. "That certainly won't help you look and feel vibrant or energized."

It Promotes Nail Growth
"Vitamin C helps maintain the integrity of our nails by strengthening our skin, connective tissue, bones, and blood vessel walls," says Loving.

It Helps Prevent Hangnails
Because vitamin C strengthens nails and helps them grow, it can also prevent hangnails. Ingesting vitamin C is the best route for optimal nail health, so be sure to eat citrus fruits often.

It Wards Off Signs of Aging
A 2007 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that middle-aged women who consumed more vitamin C from food sources appeared to have fewer wrinkles and less skin dryness. Experts suggest that vitamin C might delay the signs of aging due to free radical damage.

For a vitamin C-rich facemask, blend one kiwi and a half-cup of papaya, and apply the mixture to your face. After 15 to 20 minutes, wash it off with cold water.

More from Beauty High:
15 Things Only Girls With Curly Hair Will Understand
101 Beauty Tips Every Girl Should Know
Foods That Will Make Your Hair Grow Faster

Cover up, and step away from the computer

If you're in a long-distance relationship and relying on a webcam to get busy, listen up: There may or may not be a government official tuning in, too. The latest leak from Edward Snowden reveals that the NSA and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in Britain have been spying on video chat calls, and there's a good chance they've seen you in your skivvies (or less), according to a report in The Guardian. So you might want to cancel tonight's call, you know, unless you're into voyeurism.

MORE: What to Do if Nude Photos of You End Up Online

GCHQ, with aid from the NSA, used a program named Optic Nerve to collect photos from Yahoo users' webcam conversations, and a good chunk of those snapshots—between 3 and 11 percent—were deemed NSFW. According to The Guardian, this program was intended for facial recognition to identify targets of interest, not your naked body parts—but it didn't really discriminate between the two. Instead, the system just saved one image every five minutes from 1.8 million users' feeds.

MORE: Long-Distance Relationships AREN'T Doomed

Obviously, they saw a lot of nakedness. And apparently, this shocked them. One leaked document states, "It would appear that a surprising number of people use webcam conversations to show intimate parts of their body to the other person." Uh, yeah, what were they expecting?

MORE: You Can Now Simulate Real Sex Over the Internet…Sort Of

What does this mean for you? Well, first we'd suggest covering up and stepping away from the computer. Even though this breach only affected Yahoo users (and may have affected more people in the U.K. than the U.S.), it's still pretty terrifying that someone may be snooping on your Skype sex. In fact, many people worry that the NSA could have access to your phone and e-mail as well, so if you can't get intimate IRL, snail mail might be your best bet. Find out more ways to keep long-distance love alive—without a security breach.

15:03 Unknown
Cover up, and step away from the computer

If you're in a long-distance relationship and relying on a webcam to get busy, listen up: There may or may not be a government official tuning in, too. The latest leak from Edward Snowden reveals that the NSA and the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) in Britain have been spying on video chat calls, and there's a good chance they've seen you in your skivvies (or less), according to a report in The Guardian. So you might want to cancel tonight's call, you know, unless you're into voyeurism.

MORE: What to Do if Nude Photos of You End Up Online

GCHQ, with aid from the NSA, used a program named Optic Nerve to collect photos from Yahoo users' webcam conversations, and a good chunk of those snapshots—between 3 and 11 percent—were deemed NSFW. According to The Guardian, this program was intended for facial recognition to identify targets of interest, not your naked body parts—but it didn't really discriminate between the two. Instead, the system just saved one image every five minutes from 1.8 million users' feeds.

MORE: Long-Distance Relationships AREN'T Doomed

Obviously, they saw a lot of nakedness. And apparently, this shocked them. One leaked document states, "It would appear that a surprising number of people use webcam conversations to show intimate parts of their body to the other person." Uh, yeah, what were they expecting?

MORE: You Can Now Simulate Real Sex Over the Internet…Sort Of

What does this mean for you? Well, first we'd suggest covering up and stepping away from the computer. Even though this breach only affected Yahoo users (and may have affected more people in the U.K. than the U.S.), it's still pretty terrifying that someone may be snooping on your Skype sex. In fact, many people worry that the NSA could have access to your phone and e-mail as well, so if you can't get intimate IRL, snail mail might be your best bet. Find out more ways to keep long-distance love alive—without a security breach.

Your health (and your waistline!) will thank you

It's basically a healthy-eating truism: If you want to avoid gaining weight, you should stick with low- or no-fat dairy products, right? New research says the statement might not be as obvious—or as accurate—as previously thought: In a new study out of Sweden that looked at more than 1,500 men, those who consumed very little dairy fat at the beginning of the study were more likely to be obese 12 years later. Those who had a high intake of dairy fat at the beginning of the study, on the other hand, were less likely to be obese 12 years later. (Keep in mind: This is after researchers controlled for fruit and vegetable consumption, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, age, education, and profession).

So why might drinking whole milk and eating butter be associated with a lower risk of obesity? The study authors didn't speculate on this, but some experts have suggested that, while fat adds calories, it also helps you feel more satiated—which could cause you to take in fewer calories overall. Of course, that doesn't mean you should go hog wild and load up on fat all the time. But there are some other instances in which it's smart to skip the diet stand-in. These are the foods Dawn Jackson Blatner, R.D., author of The Flexitarian Diet, says you should always be getting the full-fat version of:
Peanut Butter
Low-fat versions of peanut butter sure are tempting, but guess how manufacturers get them that way? "They take out the fat and add in sugar—and that's no better for you, especially since you're usually not even saving that many calories," says Blatner. Bottom line: Full-fat PB is the way to go because no one needs more sugar in their diet. Plus, if you're getting natural peanut butter, most of the fat content is heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat (which was recently linked to decreased weight gain).
Salad Dressing
"Zero-fat salad dressing is a big no-no because the fat helps us absorb carotenoids—the nutrient-rich compounds found in the vegetables in our salads," says Blatner. So make sure your dressing contains at least a little bit of fat. And full fat is better than low fat since, again, low fat usually means added sugar and/or salt.

While you won't find low-fat eggs on shelves, you will find egg substitutes—and recipes that call for only egg whites. "People are throwing away egg yolks right and left—mostly to get rid of cholesterol, but also for fat," says Blatner. "But a whole egg is a lot better for you than just eating the white." See, the yolk contains choline, a healthy-brain compound, along with lots of other good-for-you nutrients. If you just really like the whites, says Blatner, keep at least one yolk in your egg dish to reap the health perks.
Baked Goods
"Rather than stocking up on reduced-fat pre-packaged baked goods, go with fresh bakery items that are made with canola or full-fat liquid oils," says Blatner. (And feel free to ask the staff what kind of oil they're using in the baked goods, by the way—that's one of the perks of going to a bakery instead of a chain; they'll actually know the answer.) Even better: Make your own cookies, muffins, and pies this way from scratch so you can control every ingredient, plus serving sizes.

MORE: 7 Warm, Gooey (But Still Healthy!) Cookie Recipes  

14:37 Unknown
Your health (and your waistline!) will thank you

It's basically a healthy-eating truism: If you want to avoid gaining weight, you should stick with low- or no-fat dairy products, right? New research says the statement might not be as obvious—or as accurate—as previously thought: In a new study out of Sweden that looked at more than 1,500 men, those who consumed very little dairy fat at the beginning of the study were more likely to be obese 12 years later. Those who had a high intake of dairy fat at the beginning of the study, on the other hand, were less likely to be obese 12 years later. (Keep in mind: This is after researchers controlled for fruit and vegetable consumption, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, age, education, and profession).

So why might drinking whole milk and eating butter be associated with a lower risk of obesity? The study authors didn't speculate on this, but some experts have suggested that, while fat adds calories, it also helps you feel more satiated—which could cause you to take in fewer calories overall. Of course, that doesn't mean you should go hog wild and load up on fat all the time. But there are some other instances in which it's smart to skip the diet stand-in. These are the foods Dawn Jackson Blatner, R.D., author of The Flexitarian Diet, says you should always be getting the full-fat version of:
Peanut Butter
Low-fat versions of peanut butter sure are tempting, but guess how manufacturers get them that way? "They take out the fat and add in sugar—and that's no better for you, especially since you're usually not even saving that many calories," says Blatner. Bottom line: Full-fat PB is the way to go because no one needs more sugar in their diet. Plus, if you're getting natural peanut butter, most of the fat content is heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat (which was recently linked to decreased weight gain).
Salad Dressing
"Zero-fat salad dressing is a big no-no because the fat helps us absorb carotenoids—the nutrient-rich compounds found in the vegetables in our salads," says Blatner. So make sure your dressing contains at least a little bit of fat. And full fat is better than low fat since, again, low fat usually means added sugar and/or salt.

While you won't find low-fat eggs on shelves, you will find egg substitutes—and recipes that call for only egg whites. "People are throwing away egg yolks right and left—mostly to get rid of cholesterol, but also for fat," says Blatner. "But a whole egg is a lot better for you than just eating the white." See, the yolk contains choline, a healthy-brain compound, along with lots of other good-for-you nutrients. If you just really like the whites, says Blatner, keep at least one yolk in your egg dish to reap the health perks.
Baked Goods
"Rather than stocking up on reduced-fat pre-packaged baked goods, go with fresh bakery items that are made with canola or full-fat liquid oils," says Blatner. (And feel free to ask the staff what kind of oil they're using in the baked goods, by the way—that's one of the perks of going to a bakery instead of a chain; they'll actually know the answer.) Even better: Make your own cookies, muffins, and pies this way from scratch so you can control every ingredient, plus serving sizes.

MORE: 7 Warm, Gooey (But Still Healthy!) Cookie Recipes  
