Friday, 7 March 2014

Posted by jinson on 12:58 No comments
The actress speaks out about the decision to remove her healthy breasts

Last May, Angelina Jolie spoke about one of her bravest moves yet: getting a preventative double mastectomy. In an op-ed for the New York Times, Jolie explained that she decided to have the surgery after finding out she carried the BRCA1 genetic mutation, putting her personally at an 87 percent risk for breast cancer and a 50 percent risk for ovarian cancer.

MORE: Study Says Women with BRCA1 Genetic Mutation Should Remove Ovaries By 35

Now gearing up for her new role in Maleficent, Jolie seems to be feeling stronger than ever about her decision. Check out what she said in a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly:

"I'm great! I'm very happy I made the decision. I was very fortunate to have great doctors and very, very fortunate to have a good recovery and have a project like Unbroken to have something to be really focused on, to be getting healthy for, and to be able to just get right back to work."

"I feel very, very close—much closer—to other women, and women who are going through the same thing. Wherever I go, usually I run into women and we talk about health issues, women's issues, breast cancer, ovarian cancer. I've talked to men about their daughters' and wives' health. It makes me feel closer to other people who deal with the same things and have either lost their parents or are considering surgeries or wondering about their children."

"The reason that I wrote it was to try to communicate and help and connect with other women and other families going through the same thing. I was very, very moved by all the support and kindness from so many people."

MORE: What It's Like to Get a Double Mastectomy

We're so glad to hear that Jolie is happy and healthy! Her story has no doubt helped raise awareness about the BRCA1 genetic mutation, but unfortunately, one recent study found that this awareness didn't necessarily mean more women understood breast cancer risk. To learn more about how genetics plays a role in your risk, check out our breast cancer center

MORE: "I'm Having My Ovaries Removed"



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