If statistics tell us anything, it’s that you probably don’t eat enough whole grains. After all, a new study published in Nutrition Research shows that 92 percent of U.S. adults don’t get enough of the good-for-you grains.
For the study, which was led by the University of Minnesota, researchers polled 9,042 Americans on the whole grains they had eaten in a single day. Turns out, only 8 percent of people got the recommended three servings. Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of respondents didn’t even come close to meeting their needs—and a whopping 42 percent of adults didn’t eat any whole grains. That’s right. Zero, zilch, nada.
Of course, a lack of grains often isn’t the issue—after all, people have been overdoing it with refined grains for decades—but far too many people are skipping whole grains in a misguided attempt to eat healthier, says Rebecca Solomon, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., director of clinical nutrition at Beth Israel Medical Center. As buzz over gluten-free, low-carb, and Paleo diets grows, so does backlash against all grains—even whole ones.
MORE: 9 Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who Eats Gluten-Free
That’s a big problem, as the study found that consumption of whole grains is a major factor in how much fiber people get. Fiber, the indigestible part of the plant, helps stabilize blood-sugar levels and regulate digestion. It’s also been linked with a reduced risk of obesity and chronic diseases, says Solomon. In fact, previous studies have linked whole-grain intake to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
MORE: The Best Kind of Fiber for Weight Loss
If you’ve started avoiding gluten in an attempt to be healthier, that doesn’t mean you have to go whole grain-free. Just check out these four less-than-obvious ways to get the nutritional benefits of whole grains.
Rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, it’s also the only grain documented to contain vitamin C, which helps support a healthy immune system.
Try this recipe: Baked Amaranth Pudding
While it’s technically a seed, quinoa has nutritional profile that fits it into the whole-grain category—and it’s packed with muscle-boosting, fat-burning protein.
Try this recipe: Quinoa Risotto with Carrots and Sugar Snaps
Brown Rice
Research suggests brown rice prevents weight gain, reduces cholesterol levels, and cuts the risk of type 2 diabetes. Plus, it’s one of the most easily digested grains around, making it great for sensitive stomachs.
Try this recipe: Brown Rice Pilaf with Apricots and Almonds
Don’t let the name fool you. Buckwheat is actually related to rhubarb, so it’s technically not a grain at all, let alone a kind of wheat. However, its nutritional makeup earns it a spot in the whole-grains hall of fame. It’s the only grain (er, grain substitute) with high levels of rutin, an antioxidant that improves circulation and prevents LDL cholesterol from blocking blood vessels.
Try this recipe: Buckwheat Pancakes
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