Saturday, 8 February 2014

Posted by jinson on 20:55 No comments
Are they relics of the Jazzercise era—or modern, supportive spaces to get fit?

At a time when even public restrooms are starting to go co-ed, the idea of a female-only gym sounds like a total throwback—a holdover from the Jane Fonda aerobics and legwarmers days. But proponents say there are advantages to breaking a sweat in a single-sex workout space. For starters, they're more likely to offer the gear and activities women prefer. A new report from the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association found that though gym membership is almost evenly split between the sexes, each gravitates toward different things: women are significantly more likely to go for group classes, Pilates, stretching and yoga; dudes are more inclined to hit gym machines, handle free weights, and play sports. (Which is crazy, on a side note: Find out why you should TOTALLY grab those weights and get friendly with the weight machine in this essay, The Beauty of Lifting Heavy Weights).

Another single-sex gym benefit is the opportunity to network and mix with women—the same way men have always made connections on the golf course and ball court. Leanne Shear, cofounder of Uplift Studios, a New York City-based gym for women, hosts super popular "workout and wine" events and happy hours after classes, giving members an opportunity to bond on a professional or personal level. "It levels the playing field and creates a sense of community," says Shear. The other thing is, a gym without dudes means less gymtimidation (which is totally a thing, unfortunately). "Many women just don't feel comfortable working out around men; they feel judged or intimidated," adds Shear. That can keep you from reaching your fitness goals. (Not to mention, it means you won't have to run into any of these guys-you-meet-at-the-gym stereotypes!).

What do you think—would you join a women-only gym?

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