Sunday 2 March 2014

Posted by jinson on 18:05 No comments

So. After making fun of Michael, I got sick.


Let the good times roll.

Sooo. I spent the majority of the weekend holed up like a nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy-head little biotch.


BUT!! Let it be known: I still got work done; I took Pixy on a walk, cleaned the house, did laundry, returned a zillion e-mails, & did a lil Blog-Doo photo shoot ( oh, the difference between men & women…cough, cough, Michael ).

Annndd today was the first day back at the gym…ok, so weigh in on this one: my trainer, Mike says as long as you’re sick from the neck up, it’s ok to workout. If you’re sick from the neck down, you shouldn’t be sweatin’…at all.

Here’s my thing: I think it’s fine to go to the gym when you’re starting to feel better, but is it necessary to come to gym super sick?

Like, if you have Swine flu, do me a fav & stay home. Because no Purell is going to fix that shit.

Anyway hope you’re all drinking lots of lemon water, taking wellness herb drops, & staying the F away from anyone who’s sick.





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