Identifying your health M.O. can help you conserve funds, says Erin Frey, head of research at the motivate-you-to-do-anything Lift app.
If You Are Super Disciplined
You make exercise and healthy eating a priority and rarely take days off from either.
Save: On a gym membership—you're the type who will work out anywhere
Spend: On equipment you use often, like free weights, a bike, or a treadmill
If You Need A Kick In The Butt
You skip workouts to snooze, or intend to order a salad but wind up with a cheesesteak.
Save: On boutique classes you pay for in advance (and will never attend)
Spend: On conveniences, like pre-hard-boiled eggs at the grocery store
If You Need A Challenge
You seek out difficult activities, whether it's training for a triathlon or trying a vegan diet.
Save: On a coach or trainer—you prefer researching and creating your own training plan
Spend: On entry fees for local races and sports leagues or a half-Ironman
If You Get Bored Easily
You test out anything that's supposed to be good for you, from Pilates to the paleo diet.
Save: On gear—you won't use it for long (go to Play It Again Sports for items like used resistance bands)
Spend: On a subscription to a personalized healthy-snack delivery service such as GoBites
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